Australia's largest privately owned private health insurance company MBF has joined forces with moneytime, the internet-based comparison engine that allows people to compare and buy health insurance online.
MBF was established 60 years ago and currently provides health insurance coverage to almost two million members, about 20% of the total number of Aust ...
As if to underline the tough times we're going through, the Federal Government has announced it will allow an average 6.02% increase to the cost of private health insurance cover, bringing more challenges to people already battling the financial gloom.
At first glance, the average $3 a week increase would seem to be a fair compromise between the Health Funds' need to be in a position to pay claims wh ...
moneytime, the Australia-based internet business that allows people to compare health funds online contracted RMG Communications to support moneytime’s corporate communications.
moneytime principal Sam Khalil said RMG Communications was hired by moneytime after a short review of potential communications partners.