Money Assist launches their Mutual Fund calculator to help investors

Knowing the estimated returns before investment can be a boon for many investors. Thus, Money Assist launches a Mutual Fund calendar to help investors with understanding their returns and investments appropriately and calculate their returns.
- (1888PressRelease) August 17, 2022 - Mutual Funds or MFs are the most sought-after and famous financial vehicle. MFs provide you with preferred returns over savings accounts and Fixed Deposits. Considering that such financial vehicles have become quite famous in India starting around 2021, a Mutual Fund calculator is by far the most significant tool to have close by when estimating your investments.
This tool helps in estimating the profits you can earn against your investments. Upon choosing the best mutual funds investment plans from the leading Mutual Fund agents like Money Assist, you can make the best use of their Mutual Fund calculator to estimate your returns and then drive your investments accordingly.
The CEO of Money Assist, explains how a Mutual Fund calculator can be beneficial for you. Let’s have a look.
He adds, “Before I get into explaining the benefits of a calculator, it is important to understand the types of Mutual Fund returns, depending on which you can estimate your returns.
These are -
Absolute return
Trailing return
Rolling return
Annualised return
Point-to-point return
Total return
It tends to be exceptionally confounding for any investor to keep a note of every return type and the ways of calculating the returns. But with the help of the calculator, we can easily have a detailed and accurate estimation of the possible returns and plan our investments accordingly.”
The spokesperson of Money Assist also states that there are several other benefits of using a Mutual Fund calculator introduced by this organisation.
First of all, it is easy to use and saves you confusing manual calculations. Investors will just have to simply enter the investment amount, the expected interest rate and the number of instalments to estimate the approximate return against your investment. Also, while manual calculation can lead to a series of errors, adjustments and assumptions, using a calculator can reduce the risk of errors and you can ensure accurate results depending on the details you share.
Furthermore, with the help of the Mutual Fund calculator, you can guide your financial planning and choose the best mutual funds investment plans based on the highest returns. As the calculator is extremely user-friendly, investors will not require any special knowledge and you can change the amount as many times as required to find the best investment deals for you.
Also, it can work as a caution since you can see the expected returns and accordingly take your investment decisions and plan your future.
An executive quotes, “Money Assist provides calculators for different purposes. You can get one for Mutual Funds(both SIP and Lumpsum), retirement, goal, loan and also insurance.”
Investors can reach out to their financial executives to discuss further their investments and secure their financial future and ensure stability.
About the Company:
Money Assist is one of the leading investment platforms assisting you to get the best mutual funds investment plans. The mission and vision of the agency is to actively protect the financial portfolio of the investors and help them to create a secured financial future.
Contact details:
Contact number: +91 9836361444 | +91 9679656980
Email: info ( @ ) moneyassist dot in
Address: 69/A, Netaji Subhas Rd, Dalhousie, B.B.D. Bagh, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700001
Branch Office: 17th Floor, Aurora Waterfront, GN 34/1, GN Block, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091