MIRA TELECOM delivered 127 camera urban video surveillance system in Drobeta Turnu Severin

MIRA TELECOM finalized a new security project in Drobeta Turnu Severin. The company delivered a street urban video surveillance system, within the project "Social safety and security in Drobeta Turnu Severin, through video surveillance systems".
- (1888PressRelease) October 17, 2012 - The beneficiary is Drobeta Turnu Severin City Hall that redirected the system towards Local Police. The project worth around 2 million lei was EU financed through the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDR) within the Operational Regional Programme (POR).
MIRA TELECOM installed the system that includes a control center and 127 video cameras, of which 70 fixed and 57 mobile, in major areas of the city, such as schools, high - schools, kindergartens, commercial and pedestrian areas. The cameras can be controlled from distance and the captured images are radio transmitted to a surveillance system. If an event occurs the operators can take control over the cameras.
The surveillance system has two dispatches: 1 main dispatch and 1 back up dispatch, equiped with large storage spaces which allow image recording and storage for 30 and 24 days. The recordings can only be requested by the authorities, entitled by law to have access to such information, to solve potential irregularities recorded by the cameras. The main dispatch is located in the Local Police headfquarter and the back up dispatch is in the Local Council underground, located in Drobeta Turnu Severin City Hall headquarter.
The result of this project implementation is the city video monitoring, in order to increase citizen saftey and prevent criminality. After the project delivery the authorities expect on medium and long term the increase of the citizens, dwellings and businesses saftey degree, a decline in public and private vandalism and robbery acts, the city image improvement and the increase of the area attractivity degree.
The project was developed between April - September 2012.
This is the second street urban video surveillance system delivered by MIRA TELECOM this year. In July the company equiped Buzău city with a similar system inlcuding 163 Speed Dome video cameras with automatic focalization. The purpose of these projects is the city video monitoring, in order to increase citizen saftey and prevent criminality. By installing the cameras in the city interest points, with high traffic, local authorities benefit from a more efficient control in terms of public security and all the crimes and violent acts are discouraged", said Stelian Ilie, President of MIRA TELECOM.
MIRA TELECOM is also partner with another 14 prestigious European companies within the European project SafeCity. The main objective of this project is to improve the role of the surveillance systems to ensure citizen protection in the areas where the surveillance infrastructure is installed.
MIRA TELECOM (www.miratelecom.ro) - companie cu capital integral romānesc, fondată și condusă de Stelian Ilie, Președinte al Grupului - și-a īnceput activitatea cu distribuția echipamentelor de radiocomunicații. Diversificarea serviciilor a reprezentat un principiu de bază īn evoluția companiei, MIRA TELECOM oferind astăzi soluții complete de securitate, IT și telecom. Īn ultimii ani, compania a investit masiv īn cercetare, īn domeniul tehnologiei pentru securitate. Īn prezent se află īn proces de finalizare construcția unui centru propriu de cercetare și dotarea acestuia cu aparatură de laborator și platforme software de īnalt nivel tehnologic. MIRA TELECOM are 14 ani de experiență pe piața romāneasca și internațională.