Ministry of Energy for Myanmar confirmed to open and address Myanmar Upstream Summit - March 2013

Top Quote His Excellency U Than Htay, Minister of Energy of Myanmar, is confirmed to open the Myanmar Upstream Summit, with His Excellency U Htin Aung, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy presenting within the opening keynote session. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) November 21, 2012 - This endorsement makes this event the only Summit officially supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Myanmar in 2013.

    Western countries have recently suspended international sanctions making the country a target of widespread interest for investment; with the enactment of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) law, Myanmar is widely acknowledged to be the next big investment opportunity in South-East Asia.

    "Myanmar could see strong growth if it pursues the necessary reforms to take advantage of its rich natural resources, young labour force, and proximity to some of the world's most dynamic economies, including China and India." Meral Karasulu, Mission Chief for Myanmar, IMF.

    This Summit takes place 4-6 March 2013 in Yangon and will provide networking opportunities with senior ministerial officials and leaders from Myanmar's oil and gas industry not available anywhere else. The Summit will also offer the chance to discuss and develop local content policies with key influencers, understand latest news on bidding rounds for exploration blocks, and discover the latest technologies available to develop Myanmar's hydrocarbon potential.

    For more information about the event please visit

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