
Michael Fugler Speaks at Avestor Second Fund Managers Retreat, Portland Oregon

Top Quote Mr. Fugler updates private fund managers on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the actions of the SEC's Division of Examinations (EXAMS) and Division of Enforcement (Enforcement) providing guidance to bolster their compliance programs. He will discuss challenges in the capital raising journey in the Private Fund Industry together with Private Fund Manager compensation. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) September 19, 2024 - Michael Fugler Speaks at Avestor Second Fund Managers Retreat, Portland Oregon

    At the Retreat, Mr. Fugler will initially discuss challenges in the capital raising journey in the Private Fund Industry together with Private Fund Manager compensation when they act as operators and then expand into compensation for Private Fund Managers, Co-Managers, GPs and Co-GPs participating in another Sponsor’s project.

    Michael Fugler is a global expert and speaker on Entrepreneurship, an Attorney, Investment Banker, Coach and Consultant who has spent a significant part of his career providing extensive consulting and guidance to small institutional investors throughout Europe, the USA and Asia.

    Today Mr. Fugler focuses on helping entrepreneurs, start, acquire, grow, build and sell companies and searches to discover the next successful entrepreneurs, inventors, dreamers, creators and innovators. He also works with foreign entrepreneurs desiring to establish business and investments in the USA.

    At the Retreat, Mr. Fugler will also discuss updates with the Securities and Exchange Commission Rules and court cases that may impact Private Fund Managers as well as discuss using the fund model to create debt strategy opportunities for investors who are more interested in fixed higher interest rate returns rather than invest in equity in real estate.

    Michael Fugler stated, “Small Business drives the US economy and these Private Fund Managers will drive the future US real estate economy by growing, managing and protecting their portfolios assisting in the growth of the American economy.”

    Mr. Fugler focuses his attention on helping entrepreneurs build companies. He has been a licensed Attorney for 50+ years with areas of interest in securities, international law and finance and international investment and merchant banking. He has also been an Investment Banker for many years establishing offices and providing extensive consulting and guidance to small institutional investors throughout Europe and the USA, having been FINRA registered with Series 7, 24, 63, 79 and 99 licenses. He served as Chairman of the National Investment Banking Association (NIBA), EURO Financial Network, Inc. (EFN), was Deputy Chairman of the European Life Settlement Association (ELSA), along with many other positions in numerous organizations. He was also recognized as Top 1% Most Viewed LinkedIn Profiles.

    This exclusive retreat is only for fund managers on Avestor's platform. Whether you are just launching your fund or have been running a fund for a few years, this retreat is for you. In addition to workshops and educational topics, the retreat is a perfect opportunity to build and grow your network.

    Avestor, Inc. created a customizable fund with unique algorithms in its Platform, a first of its kind product that simplifies life for capital raisers and provides flexibility and transparency for investors. Its many Private Fund Managers are building their own customizable funds, each with its own unique business model and investment opportunities.

    Michael Fugler
    michael ( @ ) michaelfugler dot com
    917-834 7250

    Avestor Inc.

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