Mayor Leon Remains Optimistic About Ontario's Future While Seeking Re-Election

Top Quote Mayor Paul Leon is staying positive while campaigning for re-election in 2010 by looking towards a future of bringing change for the better to the city of Ontario. End Quote
  • Riverside-San Bernardino, CA (1888PressRelease) July 10, 2010 - Mayor Paul S. Leon knows first hand how hard it is to stay optimistic during such turbulent times. People are disheartened by a troubled economy, environmental concerns over the recent oil spill in the Gulf and a government that is struggling to find balance in a climate of increasing political unrest.

    However, Paul S. Leon has decided to face the future and his upcoming re-election with a renewed sense of purpose and looks forward to making substantial changes that will positively impact the city of Ontario.

    Considered by many to be a gateway to California and the jewel of the Inland Empire, the Hispanic Mayor is no stranger to overcoming adversity. A resident of Ontario for over 29 years, he has decided to move ahead and embrace the upcoming Mayoral race with the confidence that he can help keep the city on its current path of economic stability and recovery from the devastating effects of the mortgage crisis, high unemployment and the harsh toll that the recession has taken on his fellow Ontarians.

    "The most important role I can play for the people of Ontario is to become the best economic leader I can be no matter what obstacles I may face along the way," the Mayor said on Wednesday. "It is not the time to pull up shop and walk away, but rather to commit myself all the more completely to finding real solutions for the serious troubles people are facing in today's anemic economy."

    In the meantime, Mayor Paul Leon is an Executive Board Member of the county's Gangs and Drugs Task Force, a collaboration of law enforcement, education, non-profits, civic leaders and community organizations, which holds summits and general sessions at the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department and Ontario Police Department, in an effort to educate the community on gang activities that are threatening vulnerable families and their populated neighborhoods.

    The Mayor is also focusing his attentions on some of the projects that remain close to his heart. One of these is the Free Medical Clinic at Hope Chapel that he helped establish with Water of Life Church, Loma Linda University Hospital, Niagara Water, volunteer doctors, nurses and paramedics. He has been involved with this program for over 3 years. The clinic is dedicated to meeting the medical and basic human needs of those who live in the city and can't afford medical care. The Mayor realizes that some of the clinics patients are suffering from the lack of affordable-accessible health care, poor physical activity and poor nutrition. He has addressed this problem by initiating the health clinic while educating patients on exercise, nutrition and safe home remedies. Clinic patients also enjoy free breakfast and lunch, provided free of charge while they wait to see the doctor.

    Another of these projects is the Mayor's Gala / Esperanza Scholarship Foundation fundraiser with annual donations averaging approximately $150,000 awarded to high school seniors who want to attend college but need financial assistance.

    Mayor Leon is also keeping busy with other crucial issues the city is facing such as the "Healthy Ontario Initiative," fiscal reform and balancing the budget. However, he did take time out last week to attend his re-election kick-off and is concentrating once again on earning the support and trust of the city of Ontario-which he hopes will translate at the polls when residents cast their ballots at the "Vote 2010."

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