As part of its corporate citizenship strategy, Luce Energy regularly supports various road safety campaigns organised by the Ministry of Interior's Traffic Department.
The latest cargo to Guangdong terminal follows a number of cargos at Fujian terminal, was delivered on conventional size vessel with a capacity of 140,000 cubic meters.
Under the terms of the MOA Luce Energy will supply one million tonnes per annum ("mtpa") of liquefied natural gas and oil to Polski Gornictwo Naftowei Gazownictow under a 15 year long term agreement.
Based on Mr. Al Duailavi's track record in leading various companies in different industries and his strategic vision, his appointment was a unanimous decision among the board of Luce Energy.
In terms of natural gas, the region will consume an estimated 391bn cubic metres (bcm) in 2010, with demand of 483bcm targeted for 2015, representing 23.7% growth.
Reports suggest companies have already shut down onshore production, and Luce Energy analysts estimates as much as 1.2m barrels a day could have been halted.
Nestled in the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is highly reliant on oil money, which accounts for 70 percent of the budget. But total reserves amount to about 2.8 billion to 3 billion barrels.
The volume is small compared to other onshore gas discoveries in the country, but it will lessen the country's dependence on imports which are expected to reach 30 billion cu m in 2011.