Local Funeral Home Expands Obituary Notification Efforts as Newspaper Readership Declines and Residents Become More Mobile

As the general trend of newspaper readership decreases nationwide and the Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home has taken it upon themselves to make sure that the public is informed as quickly as possible about upcoming funeral service times.
- Lancaster, PA (1888PressRelease) February 09, 2012 - As the general trend of newspaper readership decreases nationwide and with society today becoming ever more mobile, the Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home has taken it upon themselves to make sure that the public is informed as quickly as possible about upcoming funeral service times. http://www.KaSnyderFuneralHome.com
4th Generation Funeral Director, Jeremy DeBord says, "Since less people are reading the local newspaper as they did in the past, and that many people who grew up in Lancaster have since moved away, it has made it difficult to inform the public about funeral times. That is why we have taken the responsibility to do so with the creation of our Obituary Notification System."
The Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home has implemented five new systems to inform as many members of the community as possible of upcoming funeral service information.
The www.KaSnyderFuneralHome.com website has been created to notify Google and the other search engines immediately once an obituary notice has been added to the website. This will allow people who are searching for the deceased's name to find the funeral service information quicker. In as little as fifteen minutes from the time the obituary has been added to the website, people can Google the deceased's name and find the obituary and funeral information.
The Obituary Email Notification Service allows members of the public to enter and confirm their email address and then will receive a daily email with any new obituary notices. If there are not any new obituaries, they will not receive a notification.
The next two Obituary Notification features that Kearney A. Snyder offers are for users of Social Media. As soon as the obituary is added to the website, a tweet is sent to the funeral home's Twitter account ( @ ) kasnyderfh - http://twitter dot com/kasnyderfh) so that followers on Twitter can receive the obituary information dot The same is true for Facebook as a link is automatically sent to the funeral home's Facebook page dot DeBord recommends following Kearney A dot Snyder Funeral Home both on Facebook and Twitter not only for obituary notifications but to also receive a variety of other useful information dot
The last enhancements to their Obituary Notification System are the Share Obituary features. One of which is an email form which is similar to a "Tell A Friend" website form. This is where one reader of the online obituary can easily email it to a friend who may not be aware of the funeral. For those who connect via Social Media, each obituary has 'Share' buttons at the bottom so that the reader can share the information through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social channels.
"It is amazing how many members of the community use these features. Most people come to our obituaries from a Google search and secondly through Facebook. We have also found that a lot of people who have moved away from Lancaster use one of the subscription services, such as Email, Facebook or Twitter to stay connected to their home town - this applies to snowbirds as well" added DeBord. "Not to mention we provide our users FREE access to obituaries, unlike the Lancaster newspaper which now require out of area users to pay for a subscription to view obituaries on their site."
DeBord also noted that they have started to add the Memorial Tribute videos to the obituary through YouTube so that those who were not able to attend the service can still see the deceased's pictorial tribute. Users can watch the video and leave condolences for the family to read.
To see all of the features of Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home's Obituary Notification System, visit http://www.Kearneyasnyderfuneralhome.com/obituaries.
About Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home
Since 1940, the family owned and operated Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home, located at 141 E. Orange St. Lancaster, PA has been serving its families with care, compassion and consideration. The Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home is recognized in the funeral profession as leaders in technology and online services.
Today, Diane Snyder DeBord, Mark C. DeBord, and their son Jeremy R. DeBord continue the family commitment of dignity and confidence in serving the families of Lancaster County.
Contact Information:
Jeremy DeBord
Kearney A. Snyder Funeral Home
jdebord ( @ ) kasnyderfuneralhome dot com
(717) 394-4097