Leading experts in border security and control will meet in Rome to discuss the critical issues in the European migrant crisis

SMi Reports (Rome, Italy): SMi's flagship event, 9th annual Border Security, will take place in Rome, Italy, on the 17th and 18th of February 2016. Registration is now live. Early bird places are strictly limited.
- (1888PressRelease) September 18, 2015 - SMi Group are proud to announce the return of the highly successful Border Security conference, now in its 9th year. The value of this event is recognized by the Italian Navy who will be sending a delegation to attend and provide a senior speaker to present on the current operations in relation to the migrant crisis.
The comprehensive 2-day event programme will shortly be unveiled. For further information please visit www.bordersec.com/1888release
The event will also focus on other aspects of border security, such as the smuggling of drugs and illegal goods at the border as well as counter terrorism. Sessions will focus on how this can be reduced, whether it be modern technologies, greater collaboration or a larger security presence at the border.
Confirmed Speakers 2016 Include
• Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Massimo Annati, Former Head of the International Matters at the Naval Armaments Directorate, Italian Navy
• Rear Admiral, Italian Navy
• Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, Commander, EU Naval Force Mediterranean
• Rear Admiral Luis Sousa Pereira, Commandant PRT Navy Marine Corps (Fuzileiros), Portuguese Navy
• Antti Hartikainen, Director-General, Finnish Customs
• David Skuli, Director, Central Directorate of Border Police, French National Police
• Ambassador Andrew Tesoriere, Head, EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) to Moldova and Ukraine
• Detlef Schroeder, Deputy Director, CEPOL and many more.
Benefits of Attending Border Security 2016
• Meet and network with the Italian Navy who are speaking, chairing and sending a delegation to attend the event
• Understand the critical issues in the European migrant crisis
• Hear from key European organisations on how to further secure external European borders in the current climate
• Listen how modern technologies will reduce smuggling and fraud at the borders
• Learn about the critical challenges faced at sea, land and air borders
• Discuss how technology solutions can further strengthen borders and improve efficiency
Rear Admiral (Ret'd) Massimo Annati, Former Head of the International Matters at the Naval Armaments Directorate, Italian Navy, Chairman of the Border Security 2016 conference, commented:
"It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in 9th annual Border Security conference. With the continuing instability in North Africa and the Middle East there is a greater focus on Europe's external borders, particularly in the Italy, Spain, Greece and surrounding Mediterranean countries. With this in mind, Rome is the most appropriate location for this critical forum and the event will take place with the support of the Italian Navy. The continuing human tragedies at sea and pressures on European borders mean this conference is of the essence. It is crucial to discuss and debate the most effective methods and strategies to minimise such tragedies and I believe Border Security 2016 is the perfect environment for such a forum, hence providing my support behind the conference as chairman.
We would ask you to pay particular attention to the conference agenda which has been put together with great care to give you the very best opportunity to benchmark and learn from subject matter experts. We have invited only the most senior and well respected heads of border guards, commanders of naval task forces and coast guards as well as directors of government organisations and this seniority is a demonstration of the support for this critical meeting".
There is an early bird discount rate of £400 available until 30th October 2015. For further information about Border Security 2016 please go to www.bordersec.com/1888release
9th annual Border Security Conference
17-18 February 2016,
Rome, Italy
Contact e-mail: jrotar ( @ ) smi-online dot co dot uk
Contact tel: +44 (0) 207 827 6054
About SMi Group: Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the worlds most forward thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at http://www.smi-online.co.uk