April 29th 20011, San Diego, CA. Lateral Flux, Inc release KinEmote Palm Click & Drag (PCD) Engine bringing hand shape recognition to XBox Kinect and openNI cameras.
Lateral Flux Inc. announces the acquisition of it's KinEmote Palm Click & Drag (PCD) motion recognition engine to provide gesture support for the newly announced Google Gmail Motion platform.
It's never been easier or more fun to use your Xbox Kinect camera with Windows 7, Vista or XP. KinEmote Public Beta 0.4 brings a new level of simplicity and power to Windows users.
KinEmote is an easy-to-use, free application that takes gestures captured by the MicroSoft Kinect and translates them into key strokes that any Windows application can recognize. Users can easily map their own keyboard keys to each of the gestures recognized by the KinEmote software.
KinEmote is an easy-to-use application that allows Windows users to navigate the menus of Boxee and XBMC media portals using nothing but hand gestures that are captured by MicroSoft's Kinect camera.