Jordan hosts 3rd Biosafety and Biosecurity International Conference 2011

Under the patronage of HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Jordan will host the 3rd Biosafety and Biosecurity International Conference 2011 between the 13th and 15th of September at El Hassan Science City (EHSC), Amman.
- Aguadilla-Isabela-San Sebastian, PR (1888PressRelease) September 07, 2011 - The Conference aims at identifying and mitigating the biological risks threatening the region's communities through developing comprehensive biosafety and biosecurity strategies underpinned by legislative, human and physical infrastructure in order to build healthier and more secure communities capable of facing upcoming challenges.
Commenting on the upcoming conference, HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan President of El Hassan Science City and the Royal Scientific Society said: "We are delighted to welcome you to El Hassan Science City for the 3rd BBIC conference. We share your drive to apply technology and innovation to health and security challenges. The Life Sciences, above all research disciplines, offer us the opportunity to work in harmony with our natural and built environment so that the fundamental challenges to the lives of our people are identified and understood."
"We all have an obligation to the people of our region, whether as scientists or public representatives, to keep them safe from harm and to ensure their wellbeing at all times. Your focus on affordable biosafety and biosecurity will do much to spawn sustainable programs with the potential to improve many lives. Perhaps more importantly, you will do much to change a mindset that holds scientific intervention to be far removed from our citizens' everyday needs." HRH added.
HRH Princess Sumaya stressed on the ability of technology and innovation to provide the tools needed to secure people against the ongoing existential challenges of our region.
The participants in the conference entitled: "Healthier and More Secure Communities in the Middle East and North Africa" will discuss the risks behind using and over-exploiting biotechnology in order to come up with new strategies as well as determine the right methodologies to deal with these threats.
The 3-day conference will discuss several biosafety-related issues imposed by the environmental revolution and its implications on the infrastructure of communities. Moreover, it will include other matters such as human capacity building, policy and legal issues, environmental issues threatening human, animal and plant life, as well as national biosafety preparedness and planning.
Organized by El Hassan Science City, in cooperation with the International Council for the Life Sciences (ICLS), the conference brings in over 200 participants from more than 29 countries, representing every aspect of the life sciences, along with biosafety experts from academic, commercial, and governmental sectors. It also draws top policy makers, academics, journalists and business people from the Middle East and North Africa.
It is worth noting that the BBIC process comprises bi annual conferences, local governance structures, technical workshops and working groups, national and regional biosafety associations, scientific advisory panels and regional biosafety training.