
Johnny Monsarrat Moves into Boston Globe Headquarters with New Events Business

Top Quote Johnny Monsarrat, the founder and first CEO of Turbine, Inc., has moved his new business, Hard Data Factory into the Boston Globe Headquarters. Johnny Monsarrat and Hard data factory are the makers of largest calendar of high-tech and business networking events in the world. The Globe, as part of the new deal will have use of Johnny Monsarrat's giant calendar. End Quote
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  • Boston, MA-NH (1888PressRelease) December 11, 2012 - Johnny Monsarrat and his company moved into the Boston Globe's incubator space this week as part of a new business deal. Monsarrat is best known as the MIT alumnus who was founder and first CEO of Turbine, Inc., the videogames company that made Lord of the Rings Online and was acquired for $160M by Warner Brothers. Now he runs Hard Data Factory, which makes the largest calendar of high-tech and business networking events in the world. As part of the new deal, the Globe will have use of the Boston area component of this giant calendar.

    Johnny Monsarrat said, "The most difficult aspect of maintaining a calendar - especially one as large as this one - is data entry. People hate to type in their events even once, never mind into every calendar they can find. So we make it easy with technology." Here Monsarrat is referring to what he calls "Baby Skynet", a doubly patented technology for gathering events and other data from public websites. By drawing events from hundreds of source websites, including business forums, networking sessions, entrepreneur opportunities, and high-tech meetups, his firm now lists more than double the business events of the closest Boston competitor.

    How the Globe will use the data has yet to be announced, but the calendar is already available for view on the Hard Data Factory website, and through a free mobile app for the iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, and Android. Now Johnny Monsarrat has his eye on still higher sights. "The next step for us," he said, "is to gather the world's largest arts database. Just here in New England, we expect to find as much as 20,000 events every month. Now that's a big calendar."

    About Johnny Monsarrat
    Johnny Monsarrat lists more than 10,000 events every year through New England's most popular events blog, Events INSIDER, and has been a regular guest for 4 years on the Out With Joe radio show. Previously he set five world records through Wheel Questions, a community art project that took the advice column concept from newspapers and placed it into a kiosk on the street. To learn more about Johnny Monsarrat and his calendars, see

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