From Egypt, to Scotland, to the world! Progressive Trust is name you can entrust fun and excitement to in the clubbing and DJ music scene. Their EP album 'Splinter In Your Mind' is out now.
Ann Lowde is the songwrtiter of "Love Peace and Harmony," written for the benefitof the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF). This song was interpreted by Megan Rooker.
From the Caribbean islands, to metropolitan France, Djokla creates driving rhythms of reggae, ska, soul, pop, for the world to enjoy via his new album Le a rive!
Lucia De Carvalho's new EP is a package of fun grooves and colorful rhythms. Entitled 'AoDescu brir o mundo' or 'Discovering the World' in Portuguese, the EP is an exhilarating music adventure.
TJ Evans' musical bloodline is as impressive as her own talent. Fusing rock n' roll, funk, R&B, blues, Evans' is destined for to carve her own music legacy.
Rolf Kempf takes jazz fusion to another level. His musical improvisations, genre-shifting style is a trip down the road of blues, jazz, pop, ambient, electronica and rock.
American Idol hopeful Charity Vance forges on to follow her passions -singing and songwriting. Her debut album showcases heartfelt gems of indie-pop music.
Stories about life, love and realities is set to music and lyrics by this acoustic folk rock troubadour from the San Francisco Bay Area - Chris Ahlman.
Wesley Woo has always been an acoustic performer in local events in the Bay Area. His music can now be heard all over the world with the release of his album This Always Works, Sometimes.