Jerry Smith's 'Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?' Tops Amazon Bestseller List

The new inspiring book by Jerry Smith "Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?" is now an Amazon bestseller.
- (1888PressRelease) July 28, 2011 - Texas, United States -- "Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?" is the tough yet conquering story of sufferer to survivor Jerry Smith, the first known person in the world cured of an untreatable and incurable lung disease - Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Jerry was given an estimated six months to live with the so-called life-threatening, terminal lung disease. He struggled with adverse personal life problems and was exhausted with his health issues. But, his own guiding soul encouraged him and he didn't lose hope - his complete faith turned seemingly impossible things into miracles.
Apart from his disease, his personal life was even miserable - Jerry Smith was born to a raped housekeeper who was deaf, mute, and poor. His in-laws rejected him, his wife was murdered, not only this but his grandson was killed at 15, Smith attempted suicide at age 64. Even after all these tragedies, Jerry strongly believes that God will use anything for good, even when it seems most unlikely.
Written in an easy to read style, 'Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?' is designed to help those who are facing countless troubles in life, suffering from some disease or dysfunction, feeling miserable and sad or are disappointed and have lost their patience.
The bestselling book, could be a boon to them, it will inspire its readers to beat the toughest battle and get over the hardest challenge.
Zig Ziglar, one of the greatest Motivators of this century, wrote the foreword: "Jerry Smith's story will be an encouragement to any reader and that Jerry is a perfect example of what a huge difference it makes when a human being responds to the negative events in life as opposed to reacting to them and uses them to overcome and improve your lot in life and inspire and offer hope to others."
Jack Graham, Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Past President of the Southern Baptist Conference said, "Jerry Smith shares a powerful story of God's Grace and it contains a life-changing message of faith, hope and love."
Jerry Smith, the bestselling author says, "My book is the story of my life. My story shows that God has a purpose for everyone's life. As the bible tells us, God knows each of us before we are born and his purpose for us in our life. I can now see that every decision in my life ultimately led to this moment when he would inspire me to write my story in order that it would help to give hope to other people"
"I believe that my book will reach even more people, whatever their suffering may be, from childhood traumas, to hope and despair as well as severe illnesses," he adds further.
The book is available at trusted online book stores like
For more information about 'Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?' or to know more about Jerry Smith, please visit:
To book a special appearance/radio interview or to discuss a column in newspapers or magazines, please contact Jerry at smith.jb39 ( @ ) gmail dot com
About Jerry Smith:
Jerry Smith lives with his wife, Jan, in northern Texas, where they both work in real estate. He holds a degree in accounting and is a certified CPA.
Jerry Smith is the only known person ever cured of Pulmonary Fibrosis, an untreatable and incurable lung disease.
Jerry is the author of the bestselling Book "Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?" Jerry's story is the perfect example of how God will use anything for good, even when it seems most unlikely. He now lives to share his story, the hope he has, and how the lessons he learned can change lives.