ISD Global in re branding exercise for WINC

Top Quote Brand Marketing Consultancy ISD Global and publishers of Brand Knew magazine, has just finished a re branding exercise for WINC(Western International College), Ras Al Khaimah. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) April 06, 2013 - Brand Marketing Consultancy ISD Global and publishers of Brand Knew magazine (, has just finished a re branding exercise for WINC(Western International College), Ras Al Khaimah. The re branding exercise was initiated to coincide with the completion of 5 years of WINC's operations in the UAE of providing the best value accredited British Education.

    WINC runs under graduate and graduate programmes of esteemed institutions like the University of London (its an Affiliate Centre for the world reknowned London School of Economics & Political Science), the University of Bolton and is a Grade A Center of Learning for EdExcel UK. Vide a mix of courses in Management, Accounting, Business, Engineering etc, it brings to students in the UAE the very best of quality British Education without the corresponding cost penalties associated. A detailed overview of WINC's course offerings can be had at

    Raj Nambiar, Director of Administration at WINC, Ras Al Khaimah Campus articulates that "as costs of education spirals up with no regard to the already burgeoning costs of living, its imperative for educational institutions to bring in a sense of both value and balance without compromising on either the sanctity or the quality of the education eco system. At WINC, the management and staff stay rooted in these beliefs and at all times we are, by design, walking the talk on what we stand for. Its taken a lot of effort and commitment by the WINC stakeholders and team members to be labeled as 'The Best Value British Education Destination in the UAE ' and we intend to keep it that way".

    "ISD Global has been working with brand WINC right from its inception more than 5 years ago. We have seen the WINC brand go from strength to strength by delivering on its core promise of providing the best value British education in the UAE. All our communication (be it ATL or BTL or Digital) remains sincere to this promise whilst all efforts at WINC ensure that the perception and reality remain congruent at all times", iterated Pravin Ahir, Head of Operations at ISD Global and Creative Director.

    "The new brand identity was developed for WINC to keep pace with the renewed energy, passion & commitment being demonstrated by the institution and the use of colours and a solution oriented visual clue was constructed to echo the continued efforts of the WINC brand to deliver outstanding teaching and education to students across the UAE", concluded Ahir. The new identity can be seen at

    ISD Global is at the forefront of cutting edge brand strategy and compellingly engaging creative communication. With operations across UAE, India, UK, USA, Vietnam & Mauritius, ISD Global brings in a wealth of expertise and transnational market insight and experience to deliver disruptive yet meaningful brand marketing solutions to clients across the globe. For a sneak preview of ISD's work, log onto Accessing this video will help better understand the ISD Global philosophy

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