Introducing the multi-sensory Be Buddy™ breathing tool/comfort pal that actually helps kids develop healthy stress responses and promotes overall well-being

Imagine the Cute, Fun, Critter-themed tool that teaches children to stay focused, calm and grounded in an overstimulating world. Loved by both children and adults.
- Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI (1888PressRelease) November 13, 2019 - Local St Paul, MN, elementary educator, and Yoga Calm Youth Instructor Stephanie Esser launches Be™ Buddy, a revolutionary breathing tool designed to help children relax, focus and foster a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them. She calls them Be™ Buddy, a name derived from her company’s brand - Balancing Elephants - and what she envisions her new creation to be - an actual buddy that accompanies children throughout different exercises.
This November, join Stephanie as she takes the next step in her amazing journey and brings Be™ Buddies to a global audience through a crowdfunding campaign! Check it out here.
The inspiration for the Be Buddy™ began in a kindergarten classroom while Stephanie was guiding the students in a breathing practice using stuffed animals designed to teach healthy breathing habits to help children feel calm and relaxed. After experiencing issues with their stuffed animals falling off their bellies, causing a distraction around them, Stephanie decided to create her tool for such exercises. So, she developed a multi-sensory “breathing buddy”, essential to teaching deep brain/body practices, shaped and weighted in a way that feels both comfortable and secure to children. Be Buddy™ is extremely helpful to parents, teachers, and anyone who works with children alike in integrating these practices into their children’s daily life, helping kids develop wellness from the inside out!
Stephanie summarizes her mission as: “To inspire and empower students with tools to build focus, strength, and compassion towards self and others.”
To increase engagement and connection to the characters, Stephanie gave the Buddies cute names: Bernie, Hamm, Felix, Barkley. Meeting the team means also learning the quirks and personalities of each. Bernie likes to practice ways to calm the body and settle the mind. Hamm likes to find new ways to build up inner confidence and strength. Felix is curious and loves learning to embrace differences with an open heart. Barkley is excited to practice different ways to stop and rest and strengthen our focus muscles.
Stephanie has been using the Be Buddies™ for 3 years now and the results speak for themselves. She feels her product is now ready for a much larger audience
This end of November she is going to launch her very first crowdfunding campaign for the Be Buddies™. This means parents and educators from around the world will be able to purchase their very own Be Buddy™ along with Stephanie’s best tips and exercises to use them. The campaign will be available through IndieGoGo, and a preview of the project can already be accessed at .