Intersoft Solutions excited to announce the immediate availability of WebUI Studio 2012 R2 - the latest version of world's most advanced presentation layer toolset for ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF application development.
Intersoft Solutions, a global vendor of third party controls for ASP.NET, Silverlight, and WPF, today announced the official release of WebUI Studio 2011 R2. Developers can now defy many real-world application scenarios such as displaying SSRS report natively in the Silverlight or WPF applications, add rich scheduling, and integrate Office-style ribbon bar with decoupled command pattern, and more.
ClientUI for LightSwitch introduces 15+ data entry controls, ranging from masked input, currency editor, date time picker, to slider bar and calendar control. All of these extension controls are built on the top of ClientUI's mature and rich Silverlight controls, which means you can enable the same set of features in LightSwitch just as easy as you did in Visual Studio or Blend.
Intersoft Solutions announced the official release of WebUI Studio 2011 R1. This new release is strongly focused on data controls which address real-world application scenarios such as server paging and filtering.
Intersoft Solutions announced the official release of WebUI StudioŽ 2010 R2, the advanced presentation layer toolset for ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF application development. With total 272 components, Intersoft Solutions delivers the most comprehensive user interface library that will provide the best development experiences for both designers and developers.