India's First 3D Fiction Magazine

3D Chitrakatha, a venture of Kathputlee Arts & Films is coming up with India's First 3D Fiction Magazine.
- (1888PressRelease) January 30, 2012 - DELHI / NCR experienced a New Year gift in 3D. In all true sense of the term "gift" it had different things for different people, from adorable characters in their action to 3D Glasses, to Elite Household Brands sporting their Advertisements in 3D.
Kathputlee Arts & Films have introduced a very interesting aspect to Indian Audience with Launch of their new venture, "3D Chitrakatha" which includes 'Knights of La Mancha', India's first 3D and Fiction periodical magazine.
There are many aspects working in the favor of this highly propagated 3D entertainment magazine, from the technology behind it, to content, to marketing innovations.
This periodical Fiction magazine would be available
Ø Along with Hindustan Times, Brunch magazine as a fiction issue (launched on 1st January 2012)
Ø As a part of a Monthly 3D Magazine, a youth based, adventure, lifestyle and technology platform.
Our five characters, Pappu, Pragati, Arnav, Roshni and Pintoo go on a voyage to explore the seven wonders of the world and will be reaching Taj Mahal, the way in which the story has been narrated is the most interesting aspect as you are unable to guess, where the fiction ends and the reality starts.
There is a unique underline concept which takes this bunch of youth on an emotional and exciting adventure around the world. Irrespective of the time and space connection, this young group becomes an essential reason into some of the most amazing wonders of modern times.
Pappu, is a fat guy who is in initial year of his graduation. He is a guy of Bengali origin belonging from a middle class family. Pappu loves exploring new food items and going to social gatherings, talking to people, etc… he is a highly active guy with a positive attitude and aspires to become a secret agent. He is so enthusiastic that sometimes people get annoyed from him. A funny boy who loves teasing everyone around him and showing off his muscles at times is how we can describe Pappu in whole.
Pragati, aspiring to be a professor, is in her 2nd year of graduation. She is a typical upper middle class girl from Delhi with a touchy attitude, who is over conscious about her public image and believes that she cannot dance. An extrovert in nature, and arrogant enough on what she thinks of herself, she loves reading and watching travelogues. With good management skills and brilliant I.Q she has an added quality of a great singer.
Arnav, A middle class south Indian boy from Kerala, he is an intern with a print magazine and wants to be a successful writer/journalist. His sense of humor doesn't appeals to all as no one laughs on his jokes. But he loves reading and watching thriller and adventure movies. With a cool and positive attitude he doesn't bothers about silly things. He has a confident and enquiring personality.
Roshni, the youngest of all, she is an eighth standard kid who is confused about her life at this tender age. This pet lover kid comes from Punjab and looks up to everyone else for guidance and acts in a very cute and childish manner. Everyone takes her as a kid as she is a little absent minded and cool natured girl.
Pintoo, is our fifth character with an introvert nature and a positive attitude. He is in his first year of graduation and comes from a middle class, south Indian family of kannada origin. He loves playing with electronic gadgets and devices and is sure about everything going on in the technological world. He hopes to become a physicist one day. Sometimes, he is unable to make decisions properly in time.
Now that you are familiar with our characters, you must go on the exciting journey of the Knights of La Mancha with them.
Elaborating further Mr. Sharad Mittal, the director and the technical brain behind the concept mentions; that the technology used is by far the best in the 3 dimensional printing spaces.
The name Knights of La Mancha is derived after the great legendary fictitious character Don Quixote which remained a representative for the impossible dreams, higher aspirations and endless journey through the centuries. The name of the character also derived a new word in English Language "Quixotic".
The title Knights of La Mancha captures the mood of our ventures which juxtaposes fiction and reality on the similar plane. To relate with the adventurous and enthusiastic youth with positivist attitudes of our times, the name Knights of La Mancha seems to be appropriate for us.
A four year young venture, Kathputlee Arts and Films is a group of more than 100 people dedicated in developing the content for production, theatrical distribution, home entertainment, television broadcasting and commercials. The studio brings together creative personalities from diversified fields of music, graphic designing, fine arts, etc all through the country. It has been a part of some of the best ventures from XIX Commonwealth Games, IPL Season 3 mascot, varieties of multimedia and stereo content. Kathputlee aims at a larger objective through revolutionizing the entire animation pedagogy and praxis in this country.
Along with the production of commercials and all other ventures, they are also coming up with a range of 3D story books for all age groups, with some interesting story lines. It has a closely knit team of management which is working in unison with the spirit of contribution, commitment, and fulfillment. Kathputlee Arts and Films have a vision to amaze the world, kids and adults alike with anything which is binding string among all the team. The name Kathputlee itself describes the deep connection of the company with the Indian culture and its roots.
Contact for further info:
Tripurari Nath Tiwari, Communication Head, M: 09871135387
To know further details, Visit:\knightsoflamancha\3dchitrakatha