I-TermPaper.com Creates Manual of E-Correspondence Etiquette; Free to Clients

Top Quote I-TermPaper.com staff assembles guide to gracious e-communications. Text messaging still requires good writing for I-TermPaper.com staff and clients. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) August 03, 2011 - I-TermPaper.com has noticed that electronic communications are not exempt from rules both for correct writing and for good manners. The rules may be new, and oriented to the constraints of email, text messaging, tweeting, and similar social media, but there are rules. We are helping by codifying the rules and publishing them.

    All of us here at I-TermPaper.com can write business letters beautifully. If we did not learn in high school, then we perfected the skill in college. However, there has been no equivalent to Composition 101 for email or tweets.

    The result has been, anecdotally at least, that disasters occasionally are precipitated by the Send button. I-TermPaper.com, as part of our commitment to the perfection of writing, is trying to address this problem constructively. We are creating a manual of guidance for all forms of electronic communication.

    Courtesy and correctness are the goals in any correspondence, and our reference resource will help achieve both. Thus, whether documenting one's job accomplishments to one's boss, or reminding classmate about a group project meeting we have our readers covered.

    What liberties can a writer take with grammar and word usage? How informal can an email be? How does one compress the gist of a communication into the subject line?

    Answering such questions, and others, is one way I-TermPaper.com assists our clients to write better, no matter the setting or medium. You can find out more about our services to clients and our contributions to the writing community by visiting our website, http://www.i-termpaper.com.

    About I-TermPaper.com:

    I-TermPaper.com hires well-qualified people and then does everything possible to equip them to become even better. We can help customers with whatever topics or assignments they find troublesome.

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