HydroDynamicsHHO.com is a leader in Hydrogen Generators. Dedicated since 1999 to develop and perfect the safest most reliable Hydrogen on Demand system that works seamlessly on Diesel and Gasoline engines.
Go GREEN - Burn Clean! Hydrogen gas is the most abundant element on planet Earth. We disinfect, clean, drink and breathe it. Until recently with the cost of fossil fuel rising research into its combustible nature to help burn fuel more efficiently was not utilized.
Scientists are concerned; Global warming, changing tides and the weathers affect on farming are all real concerns. Internal combustion engines like Automobiles and Trucks are a few of the major contributing factors for the increases in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.
Any internal combustion engine can be made a Hybrid. Hydrogen injected into an engine acts as an octane booster and helps internal combustion engines burn +/- 85% of the fuel. An engine will have increased horsepower, burn cleaner and will last longer.
After years of perfecting the Hydrogen Generator for internal combustion engines a new generation of HHO has emerged. Now Boats, Diesel Tractor Trailers and Commercial Diesel Pumps and Generators can save 20% to 50% on the amount of fuel they use.
Make your vehicle a Hybrid! By installing a Hydrogen Generator you make your vehicle a Hybrid that will save 20% to 50% on Fuel and reduce the Carbon Footprint +/-85%.