Homeless Single Mom, To a Successful Entrepreneur - Tasha Daniels Founder of Coily Products

Top Quote One woman's story of overcoming adversity by following her passions to create her own business is inspiring. End Quote
  • New York, NY (1888PressRelease) February 04, 2023 - Tasha Daniels knows about passion. She knows how important finding it can be, and she considers herself lucky to have found her's. Tasha knows how important it can be to someone because, in her case, finding her passion started her career as an entrepreneur and changed her life forever. Before starting her business, Coily Products, Tasha and her son were in a homeless shelter, all while She was pregnant with her second child. While there, she started making hair products, primarily out of necessity. The realization of how well they worked came later, but the idea had taken root.

    Today, Coily Products consists of a product line and a beauty service called CP Beauty Studios. While her original idea was to sell products exclusively, Tasha realized she could further her clientele reach with direct service and opened a studio after Covid restrictions began to lift. Since then, people have been booking rapidly nonstop for her dreadloc services.

    Tasha has since expanded into teaching what she's learned. A one-on-one masterclass is available for clients who want a more personal touch. Still, she's also written an Ebook about marketing on a budget helping aspiring entrepreneurs, and a "how to" course for dreadlocks for those who want to learn from her expertise. To quote Tasha, "Through all the adversities of being in a homeless shelter and being a single parent, I was able to use my talents to overcome. As a result, I can now provide for my family by running my own business. Teaching others how I did that is my passion."

    Most successful entrepreneurs will tell people to "find their passion." They understand the critical idea that when passion meets business, it will drive a person to heights they never dreamed possible. Tasha Daniels and Coily Products are a model of this idea. For Tasha, finding her passion meant a way out of that homeless shelter. Finding her passion meant saving her life. Now that she's found it, she's determined to utilize it to give others the tools necessary to save their own - one appointment at a time.

    Tasha Daniels
    Coily Products
    +1 8503139390

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