Home Studio Recording For Indie Artists: It's Time For Real Solutions On Home Recording For Singer Songwriter Producers

Learn Practical DIY Strategies You Can Use To Build And Operate A Home Studio As A MUSICIAN, Not A Producer. Learn How To Produce Music As An Indie Artist And How To Build Your Brand
- (1888PressRelease) July 20, 2012 - While many scramble to explain and predict the future of the often unpredictable music industry, Jamie Leger - a DIY Indie Artist and Internet Business Expert has slowly but steadily created a career path that circumvents the traditional and often advised path, yet has built a foundation as a modern Artist and Entrepreneur (MusicPreneur) using his eclectic skill sets including guerilla marketing and Home Studio music production. http://www.jamieleger.com
As Leger shared, "I was inspired by an approach that focused on leveraging the internet to it's full potential to grow my fan-base and kick-start my career. It all centers on creating a community and providing my audience with the most valuable content I can. The hope was that I could find a way to do what I love, AND not have to be a "struggling artist" roughing it in the trenches.
"I was an infantryman in Baghdad for a year, I've been in the trenches! My goal was to create a great relationship with my audience, and give them great stuff that could help them in their careers and improve their lives, through helping demystify the power of the internet and simplify the tactics for marketing their music and building a bigger fan-base."
Leger convincingly advocates that the home studio transforms into the launching pad for an Indie Artist, when they understand some fundamental shifts in mindset and in their workflow priorities. Turning your equipment into a Modern Project Studio also includes using your computer and the internet to promote and make money with your music and content.
Sometimes people can miraculously supply very accurate answers to certain problems, and as songwriters, music artists, and musicians, we got plenty of those!
Although there are no hyped up claims or outrageous promises, Leger continues to steadily create high quality content centered on artist development in the modern age, tips and how-tos on Home Recording and music production, building an online presence and brand, and music marketing for Indie Artists in the new music business.
"I was inspired by an approach that focused on leveraging the internet to it's full potential to grow my fan-base and kick-start my career.
"My goal was to create a great relationship with my audience, and give them great stuff that could help them in their careers and improve their lives, through helping demystify the power of the internet and simplify the tactics for marketing their music and building a bigger fan-base."
Leger added, "The problem for indie artists and bands, and people producing music in their home studio isn't with the lack of tools and possibilities, it's with the management, strategy, and focus - needed to understand and apply the appropriate tactics for purposefully and consciously shaping their future and career.
"Two concepts that need to be integrated into an artist's development nowadays are:
"Skills Development
By defining your Purpose, your Vision, your Mission and your goals, you can clarify what skills and core focus areas you need to spend the majority of your time on.
"This is so VITAL because the music industry is so extremely competitive, you can't afford to not be GREAT at what YOU do BEST. You have to also be responsible for identifying and delegating the responsibilities that you don't enjoy, which would ALSO best be done by someone else.
"Creativity in Marketing
The DRIVER for everything in the Modern Project/Home Studio is your creative passion. That creativity, used to write and produce songs, CAN and SHOULD be harnessed to spread and promote them TO."
Leger also revealed another reason for under-taking this life-long project. "Especially right now when the tools and technology saturate the music market, the danger is in losing the clarity of which tools we need to use, and how to use them to work FOR us in our career. We don't need more tools, we need better knowledge on how to use them, and how to plug them into the strategy that is best for building a DIY career."
Only through active two way communication can he serve the needs of his clients and audience. As part of his role as an Internet expert, Mr. Leger publishes and engages in an ongoing dialog through his website, social media, his acclaimed Newsletter, and of course over the phone/skype.
Leger encourages anyone of any age to join the conversation. Respondents can be added to a special notification list alerting respondents when news and content is published.
His fresh approach give YOU a voice, to share what you are interested in learning about, what your current frustrations as an artist are, and a relationship to ask questions directly.
So go ahead and signup for the VIP Newsletter at http://www.jamieleger.com/newsletter/
For a complimentary strategy session, or just to voice your interests/frustrations, you can call 734.417.0227
Jamie Leger is an Internet Business Coach and Independent Artist, he works with Experts and MusicPreneurs to leverage the internet, build an audience, create and market information products packaging their knowledge and their message.
At night the cape comes on as he crusades as an avid Singer Songwriter Producer, veteran content creator, and voice for the Modern Project Studio delivering fresh new content every week. Leger is a respected DIY Artist, he has been published by hundreds of magazines and authority publications online since 2004.