Diet Doc has introduced a prescription hCG diet that actually recommends initial loading to prevent fatigue during dieting, making their weight loss plan effective and easy to follow, even during the holidays.
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) December 11, 2012 - Holiday dieting can be arduous and complicated, usually involving a lot of hunger and confusion. Diet Doc reminds dieters that an individualized hCG diet plan allows clients to load up on calories for the first two days, ideally a fall holiday requiring gluttonous eating and afterwards follow Diet Doc's prescription diet plan through the holiday season until target weight is attained. Diet Doc's clients report an average weight loss of 1 pound per day, making the Diet Doc diet plan the most effective non-surgical weight removal available, and at a fraction of the cost. While the fall is increasingly discouraging for dieters, Diet Doc reminds those looking to lose weight fast during the time of plenty, or simply trying to maintain a healthy weight despite holiday overeating, a Diet Doc diet plan can aid in both.
Contrary to traditional beliefs, the holiday season is not fraught with tremendous weight gain. New studies show a national average of only 1 pound gained over the entire holiday season. However, the disturbing part of this study suggests that holiday weight gain often remains with the individual over a lifetime, and can contribute to lifelong obesity and all the illness that it can cause. One pound gained and kept over a lifetime of holidays can lead to large weight gain over time. For the winter months this year, hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans offers an improved hCG diet plan to not only prevent holiday weight gain, but to enact the kind of fast weight loss needed for those struggling with obesity to transition into a healthy lifestyle. For some, holiday dieting may seem counterintuitive, but Diet Doc Weight Loss Plans actually strongly recommends what is referred to as "loading" before beginning their prescription hCG weight loss Diet. Loading for an hCG diet plan allows dieters to avoid the initial energy loss that can occur when beginning a low calorie diet.
The initial loading phase of a Diet Doc plan works by building up glycogen and triglyceride stores in the body. Dieters need this initial buildup because once they begin Diet Doc's modified hCG diet plan, allowing restricted caloric intake (up to 1250 daily), carbohydrates are restricted, and without a loaded supply of glycogen, dieters will often become fatigued. These energy stores will supply energy to dieters through the initial period that it takes for the body to begin ketones, 2-7 days, as well as preventing metabolic slowdown. As a result of this initial loading phase, the body is able to tap into the storage form of sugar and fat (glycogen and triglycerides) to sustain its self during the first week. Diet Doc offers an hCG plan that unlike inferior diets offered, can be continued until goal weight is achieved. Diet Doc's diet plan fits perfectly in between the upcoming fall holidays, and with loading allowed beforehand, clients can begin a Diet Doc hCG diet and lose substantial weight before Christmas, capable of producing a pound per day of fast weight loss.