HASfit, a Revolutionary Fitness Coalition, Reaches YouTube Milestone In Only 3 Short Months

Top Quote HASfit's YouTube Channel reaches 10,000 views in only 3 short months providing free in home exercise workouts for men and women. Experts predict HASfit will lead free online personal training movement. End Quote
  • San Antonio, TX (1888PressRelease) September 01, 2011 - HASfit.com announces that their YouTube Channel located at http://www.youtube.com/user/KozakSportsPerform reached over 10,000 views on August 31, 2011. HASfit is making a name for them self by providing the best free in home exercise workouts for men and women. HASfit.com also provides professionally designed meal plans and diets for free. Experts predict HASfit will lead the free online personal training and free fitness routine movement.

    HASfit, aka Heart And Soul Fitness, believes that every Heart And Soul deserves to be fit. To prove this proclamation, HASfit has set out on a mission to be the source for at home fitness exercise workouts. Unlike other paid programs that are made for general users, HASfit has customized its exercise programs for all different people. HASfit says that every body is different and therefore everybody needs a different workout.

    Do you need exercises for seniors? Ab exercises at home? Weight loss workouts? Workouts for women? Advanced high intensity MMA training? Beginner workouts? Strength training wor ... okay, you get the picture. HASfit has an ever growing workout video library for all body types and goals. Http://hasfit.com has user friendly interface and makes it incredibly easy to find at home workouts of all variety on the site's menu bar.

    Fitness experts such as Ryan Mallory of the IHRSA are excited by the growth potential of HASfit. Mr. Mallory stated, "There is a lot of competition in the fitness industry, but the combination of HASfit's product and the price make it a powerhouse to be reckoned with... HASfit's at home workout competitors can only offer dvd's that get boring and stale after a short period of time. Their competitors such as P90X must create exercise routines that are for the general population. What if the patron has a rotator cuff problem? P90X does not have a solution, HASfit has an at home rehab workouts section to strengthen and repair your shoulder. Also, I'd be an idiot if I failed to mention the price, FREE! HASfit is able to offer professional grade, results guaranteed exercise workout routines for free. How are the fitness juggernauts suppose to compete with that?"

    This YouTube milestone is sure to be the first of many to follow. HASfit's mission of providing free fitness workouts for everyone is truly revolutionary. HASfit is poised for continued explosive growth in the fitness industry by offering the best at home weight loss workouts, strength training exercises, sports performance training, ab workouts, beginner workouts, senior exercises, kettlebell workouts, plyometric workouts, medicine ball exercises, advanced high intensity workouts, cardio, outdoor, and MMA workouts online.

    For More Information:

    For Personal Training San Antonio:

    HASfit Mission:
    Everyone on earth with a heart and soul has the inherent right to be fit. The freedom to be fit is becoming less attainable for most of us with nearly 70% of adults being obese or overweight. The sad part is this epidemic has spread to our children. In our experience, most attempts at being fit fail because of lack of motivation and knowledge; it is our goal to remove these barriers. We are calling all the warriors, dreamers, soccer moms, teenagers, and anyone else that will listen to let them know that they deserve elite fitness. HASfit serves to place this freedom in your reach, because we all bleed red. We all have heart and soul.

    HASfit also offers elite personal trainers in San Antonio, TX
    Welcome to HASfit Personal Training, a service dedicated to your health and happiness. Our experienced trainers hold the map to your desired destination. HASfit will customize exercise and diet regimens to ensure that you arrive safely at your health goals. For more information: http://hasfit.com/personal-training-san-antonio.html

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