Handbag Fairy launches Eve Birkin Replica Bags with gold fittings

We, at the Handbag Fairy HQ are so excited to share with our loyal fans the new gorgeous Eve gold birkin replica bags. The launch of these bags come from the high demand from our best selling classic Handbag Fairy Eve silver birkin replica bag, which even sold out due to such high demand from our fashion savvy fans.
- (1888PressRelease) October 25, 2011 - We knew that we had to deliver something even more luxurious and desirable to our wonderful customers, so we got to work and made sure that what we got as the finish product would meet up to our very high standard.
The finished result can speak for itself. The highest quality of butter soft genuine Italian leather, straight from our warehouse in Italy. High colour pigmentation to give a smooth and even outcome, studs on the bottom to protect from any wear and tear and the gorgeous detail of a gold padlock and keys at the front of the Eve gold birkin replica bag that gives that added touch of chic glamour. But wait, it doesn't end there! Inside you will find a spacious and organised compartments to juggle your hectic every day essentials including a pouch for your mobile phone for easy reach,and a zipped compartment for your lipstick to ensure that your look is completed.
We have carefully hand selected five exclusive colours to ensure that our customers are receiving the absolute best buy and an investment bag that will last you a lifetime, to match any outfit for any occasion. The design and quality of the Handbag Fairy Eve birkin replica bag is exceptional, an already established classic throughout the world. The selected colours are black, navy, grey, plum and hot pink. We are collaborating on more glamorous and classic colours that will be coming your way in the future.
The reviews that we have received from our customers speak volumes. As Laura state's of our black Eve gold replica birkin bag : "BEST BAG EVER! I'm really impressed with the quality of the bag. Fantastic leather and goes with any outfit. Will definitely be buying more in the other colours!"
That is not all. Helen recently praised of the hot pink Eve gold replica birkin bag: "GREAT BAG! I recently bought the hot pink Eve Birkin inspired bag and am loving it! The quality of the leather is very good and the colour is beautiful and is exactly as it's shown on the website, roomy and spacious and carries all my essentials, bought this for the summer and it really goes with any outfit, be it casual or smart, definitely a good investment buy. Will definitely buy another colour for the change of season! Well done HandbagFairy!"
On average, we have scored a rating of 4.9/5 of our customers who have bought and loved the Eve gold birkin replica bag and our first class customer service with the lovely Louise. We continue to aspire to achieve luxurious quality and exceptional designs at affordable prices with a hands on and pleasurable customer service to ensure that your experience with the Handbag Fairy is just as much as amazing as your spectacular Eve gold birkin replica bags.
To view the full range just go to the Handbag Fairy website