I began working with Juanita, newly diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder. "The destructive alter immediately closed the space between us and grabbed me around the throat. Because of her diminutive size, I don't think I ever felt threatened, but I was nevertheless scared by the appearance of this apparition I didn't go away, I remained steadfast."
For we are lost in each other's existence, Nothing else matters but what is happening between us And there is nowhere to go but higher and higher still.
"He spoke to Marco with venom coating every syllable 'I am the Patron. I am the boss. My name is Carlos Castano and you belong to me now. Ese aire que estas respirando, ahora es mi aire, the air you breath into your lungs, is now my air.'"
No one knows the challenges and rewards of a 12-step recovery program better than those intimately involved in the struggle. Things My Sponsor Said is an insightful look at recovery and illustrates first hand the connection between two men as one help the other meet the challenges of a life of sobriety.
With the background of jihadist terrorism during a Presidential election year, FBI analysts unearth a political conspiracy that could rock the country as a whole. Simultaneously, Senior Analyst David Drummer is thrust into the cover up of a Bureau sex scandal. Caught up in a web of deceit and scandal, Drummer tries to find the truth, while not destroying his career in the process.