Grateful Hearts and G SiM Racing create GHA Jackpot Races for 2021 to raise support funds for Covid 19 Victims

Re: Grateful Hearts & G SiM Racing create GHA Jackpot Races for 2021 to raise funds for Covid 19 VIctims. The Grateful Hearts Association is working with G SiM Racing to create weekly Virtual Racing Events with a unique GHA Jackpot Race starting at $10,000 USD. Donors will have the opportunity to choose six GHA Jackpot eCars out of the 36 total eCars in the race.
Winning GHA Jackpot Number
- (1888PressRelease) March 30, 2021 - Re: Grateful Hearts & G-SiM Racing create GHA Jackpot Races for 2021 to raise funds for Covid-19 VIctims.
The Grateful Hearts Association is working with G-SiM Racing to create weekly Virtual Racing Events with a unique GHA Jackpot Race starting at $10,000 USD. Donors will have the opportunity to choose six (6) GHA Jackpot eCars out of the 36 total eCars in the race.
Winning GHA Jackpot Numbers are the first four eCars to finish the race. The remaining two will be “Random Computerized Draws” to complete the GHA Jackpot Six (6) Winning Numbers. Donors who have chosen All six (6) eCar numbers will Win the GHA Jackpot If no Winners emerge the Jackpot will carry over to the next Event.
GHA Jackpot Races will be “Live” streamed and broadcast to global audiences free of charge. Any viewer has the opportunity to pledge a donation through Grateful Hearts Association Worldwide website & Apps.
A Brand New 2021 Nissan Sentra S will be the Grand Prize Raffled off during Grateful Hearts Charity Covid-19 Races on August 28, 2021. Everyone has a chance to Win, Worldwide. There will be other Valuable Prizes Raffled off.
”GHA Events raise support for a great cause and enjoy Sports & Entertainment, through an eSports Platform. This is definitely welcomed and needed during these Covid-19 Times” CJ Stone, CEO of Patriot Capital Partners. Patriot Capital Partners is the number 11 GHA Jackpot eCar in these races.
“Our goal is to raise at least $5 million dollars worldwide from online donations utilizing G-SiM's Virtual Racing Platform. Grateful Hearts Charity Covid-19 Racing Series brings exciting Entertainment to a Worldwide sports-starved public.” Jay Dingle Managing Director Grateful Hearts Association.
Grateful Hearts Association:
Vincent Sebastian info ( @ ) ultimusesports dot com Tel: 725-229-9100
G-SiM Racing:
Dr. Michael Unger email: info ( @ ) g-simracing dot us
Tel & WhatsApp: +34-633-879951 Spain
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Tel & WhatsApp: +1(315) 677-1700 USA