Golf Course Maintenance At The CCDC Scottsdale Golf Club

Early transition is not an issue other than aesthetics and the possibility of the return of continued cool weather. We did experience a change in the weather during the Member-Guest tournament but all current forecasts show warming trends.
- (1888PressRelease) May 25, 2014 - Almost every year in May, we typically see the signs of cool season to warm season grass transition at this Finest Scottsdale Country Club. However, this year, we actually saw signs in early in April as witnessed by our ryegrass fading in spots and our bent/trivialis greens overseed fading very noticeably.
This year on Monday the 19th of May, we will chemically treat our turf with a selective herbicide to remove ryegrass. In one to two weeks there will be a discoloration of the rye. As the ryegrass begins to fade, the bermudagrass underneath will be exposed and begin its growth cycle. The next step in the transition process is the aeration and topdressing of the entire course which will begin in June in conjunction with our greenside bunker renovation project. We will also be addressing the surface drainage at the front of numerous greens and the addition of updated irrigation controllers.
As a last note, the early warm weather this year has also stimulated our flora and fauna. Myrna took a picture of this snake on hole #14. Please be aware that the desert is home to not only snakes, but bees, scorpions, cholla cactus, and many other stinging, biting, and thorny inhabitants.
Important May dates at the Scottsdale golf club:
May 5 (slice & topdress greens)
May 11 (Mother's Day)
May 14 (Full moon)
May 26 (Memorial Day) - Jun 2 (closed for projects)