Edgar Perez's The Speed Traders: An Insider's Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, Profiled by iMoney, Hong Kong's Business Magazine of the Year, Speaking about High-Frequency Trading.
Firms from the U.S. and Europe to Brazil and China are Invited to Join the Wild Ride to Profits Sponsoring High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking, now in Hong Kong, Chicago, Sao Paulo and Singapore.
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking, now in Hong Kong, Chicago, Sao Paulo and Singapore.
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking.
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking, now in Hong Kong, Chicago, Sao Paulo and Singapore.
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking, now in Hong Kong, Chicago, Sao Paulo and Singapore
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), Hosted by Golden Networking, now in Hong Kong, Chicago, Sao Paulo and Singapore.