Going Green - Emtjets Global Plants Over 200 Trees Worldwide.

Top Quote Emtjets helps to support this cause by every month planting trees worldwide making a small, yet an effective difference against Global Warming. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) October 17, 2012 - Emtjets has received a very positive response from all of their clients. Jonathan Lloyd, Emtjets Manager states: "We have been commended on a number of occasions by aviation professionals and enthusiasts alike. We are pleased that our dedication to this cause has helped provide further awareness throughout the aviation industry."

    The Emtjets System was primarily developed with Empty legs in mind, offering Aircraft companies around the Globe a marketplace to sell their charter Empty Legs, whilst providing the Individual traveller with a cost effective option.

    "By filling an empty Aircraft we like to think that the Emtjets business model helps reduce the equivalent of two journeys for one. Emtjets provide 1000's of empty leg Flights to individuals Worldwide, allowing us to lower the usage of Aircraft and with it the carbon footprint."

    Emtjets CEO Adrian Twibill felt it was imperative that Emtjets invested time and money into offsetting against the CO2 omissions expelled by Aircraft each year. "This was one of the key benefits in designing a marketplace for Aircraft companies around the world to sell their existing empty leg flights." Mr. Twibill continues. "You can travel in luxury... without it costing the earth."

    Emtjets has received a positive response from the media throughout the States and Europe. Many corporate clients have approached Emtjets purely down to their strong stand point on supporting green organizations and determination to make a small yet effective difference.

    It has been a very interesting insight into the private aviation and we advise any Charter broker to invest in something that in the end, effects us all. It doesn't take much to make a difference.

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