Gift Of Life Marrow Registry Invites LGBTQ Community To “Swab With Pride” And Fight Blood Cancer

Top Quote Everyone 18 to 35 years old and in general good health, regardless of sexual identity or orientation, is welcome to order a donor kit online and join the registry. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) June 08, 2022 - Gift of Life Marrow Registry is excited to launch its “Swab With Pride” national campaign to encourage potential blood stem cell and bone marrow donors from the LGBTQ+ community to join the registry. While gay men, especially, have faced challenges to giving whole blood at blood banks, such restrictions do not apply to the transplant of stem cells and bone marrow, which are considered to be tissue donation.

    Through Gift of Life Marrow Registry, members of the LGBTQ+ community can engage in the lifesaving community service many have wished for with a simple cheek swab. Everyone 18 to 35 years old and in general good health is welcome to visit Gift of Life’s website, order a swab kit, and join the registry. The process is simple and involves swabbing the inside of the mouth with a buccal (mouth) swab and completing a health history questionnaire. Gift of Life emphasizes that all donors complete the same health screening, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.

    Many Gift of life donors from the LGBTQ+ community have donated blood stem cells and bone marrow to save the lives of those battling to survive leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, sickle cell, and inherited immune disorders.

    “Donating bone marrow as a gay man felt empowering, said Gift of Life donor Tony Joe Connell. “When I first met my recipient, Brianne, face-to-face, it was incredible – what a remarkable person she is. Our community has endured a lot, both good and bad, but something that has not changed is our unwavering power of kindness. Get out there, register, and help save a life.”

    Matches are based on tissue types called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) inherited from biological parents and ancestors. But 70% of patients are not able to find a match within their family and must look for help to the worldwide registry. The more people – and the greater diversity of people – who join the registry, the more lives will be saved.

    To join the Gift of Life registry or make a financial contribution during the “Swab With Pride” campaign, potential donors and contributors may visit

    About Gift of Life Marrow Registry
    Gift of Life Marrow Registry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Boca Raton, Fla. Established in 1991, Gift of Life Marrow Registry is dedicated to saving lives by facilitating blood stem cell and bone marrow transplants for patients battling leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell, inherited immune disorders, and other blood-related diseases. To learn more about Gift of Life Marrow Registry, visit

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