Ghost Hunting Event On Bonfire Night At High Melton Hall, Doncaster With Simply Ghost Nights 5th November 2011

In the board room whilst taking part in a ouija board experiment Mr. Samuels communicated with the group the same Mr. Samuels who Stuart had mentioned earlier, Mr. Samuels described his life at the hall before he had passed over, Stuart spoke of a child chimney sweep stood in the room the child was invited to the table to communicate, however communicate the child did through tapping on the table.
- (1888PressRelease) December 31, 2011 - When Simply Ghost Nights first booked this former hall our main concern was would it fizzle out like a damp squib similar to a cheap Catherine wheel or would it explode and cascade with activity very much like a really expensive firework. To be fair our concerns were very much unfounded, all groups reported all manner of activity in the majority of vigil areas.
Firstly Simply Ghost Nights team would like to offer a big thank you to Paul the security guard at High Melton for his help in making the event run so smoothly by his help in regard to the provision of our hot water for the teas and coffees.
After a brief walk around of this vast building and the numerous vigil areas we could go into, it was time to commence the paranormal investigation at High Melton Hall. We began with a group vigil in what we called the board room with splendid marble fireplace and beautiful ornate chandeliers. In this vigil we experienced some wonderful K2 spiking on request and many ghost hunters could see dark shadows movement at the far end of the room. Stuart, Simply Ghost Nights medium picked up on the name Mr. Samuels whom Stuart claimed had worked there as a butler, Stuart also mentioned that he could sense the spirit of little boy, aged approximately ten who was a chimney sweep watching the group intently, and Philip a sensitive mentioned that he wanted to say the name Andrew for some inexplicable reason.
With this in mind the large group vigil separated and we went our separate ways to investigate the ghostly world of High Melton hall. In the board room whilst taking part in a ouija board experiment Mr. Samuels communicated with the group the same Mr. Samuels who Stuart had mentioned earlier, Mr. Samuels described his life at the hall before he had passed over, Stuart spoke of a child chimney sweep stood in the room the child was invited to the table to communicate, however communicate the child did through tapping on the table to the groups questions. This display of extreme tapping on request had first time ghost hunter and major sceptic Stephen absolutely in awe at what he was seeing and listening. Stephen would later admit to have his strong beliefs questioned on the paranormal world and stated that we would be seeing him again on another ghost hunt.
In another vigil in a downstairs room Rosey claimed that the spirit of William communicated with them and spoke with such a foul and degrading mouth, Rosey stated that the rude words made everyone on the table cringe, when he was not using such base language William did inform the group of his life at the hall in the 19th century.
In a vigil with Mark and Philip using the ouija board a Mr. Mez made ghostly contact and claimed to be from Germany and had worked as a labourer at the hall, he also claimed to have died in 1850 and was seventy two at the time of his death. It was in this vigil that the table began to rock to and fro to the excitement of Jeremy, Sara, Sarah and especially Stephen who had earlier claimed to be a major sceptic.
Another exciting incident occurred was when Philip spotted a huge orb move in the main hall from the vicinity of Stuart and fly straight into the chimney of the fire, could this have been the spirit child returning to the chimney to watch the group yet again.
As the time beat us once again, we thanked all the ghost hunters for joining the Simply Ghost Nights team, and we also thanked the ghostly residents of High Melton Hall for entertaining us all so memorably.