Ghost Hunting At The Sheffield Fire & Police Museum With Simply Ghost Nights & Chris Conway, 28th July 2012

The most famous spirit residing at this amazing haunted place, is that of a former prisoner called Cain, on most ghost hunts Cain usually enjoys communicating with the living but he is known to have a more sinister side.
- (1888PressRelease) May 20, 2012 - Come and join Simply Ghost Nights and Chris Conway at a very exciting paranormal investigation, at Sheffields most haunted Fire and Police Museum. The museum is now home to many old fire engines and police memorabillia so it is no surprise with so many artifacts that some spirits may still be still attached to them.
The most famous spirit residing at this amazing haunted place, is that of a former prisoner called Cain, on most ghost hunts Cain usually enjoys communicating with the living but he is known to have a more sinister side. On many occasions he has been known to throw the glass breaking it, during glass divination experiments on some ghost hunting nights.He is renowned for making his presence felt, especially to women, he makes it quite obvious he resents anyone daring to enter his cell.
On the middle floor with Stuart, Simply Ghost Nights medium, the group made ghostly contact via the ouija board with a spirit gentleman by the name of Harry, Harry through yes and no on the ouija board indicated that he had been a fire man and had died in a fire. When the group used the Franks box to communicate with Harry, Stuart asked that Harry confirm his name and to the groups utter amazement the name Harold was clearly heard from the Franks box.
On the top floor one brave ghost hunter Lee, claimed to have distinct movement in the empty bedroom through the sound enhancers. The group all then moved into the bedroom and all clearly could hear the heavy thud of footsteps.
In the downstairs room Rosey asked are there any children here, and Jo then stated that she had heard through the ear enhancers a girl say 'yes'. The group then all sat in the fire engines themselves when Pat and Joanne heard footsteps coming towards them, on further investigation there was no one walking about. Also in this vigil they heard someone coughing and choking from an unoccupied area of the room and Rob then claimed to have heard through the ear enhancers a small girl say 'mama' many ghost hunters in the group confirmed that they had indeed heard children through the sound enhancers.
In a vigil with Jez, Simply Ghost Nights paranormal investigator Jez said that the group experienced some of the most extraordinary table tipping that he had witnessed, Jez remarked how the group were stunned at how the table tipped with everyone's fingers on the edge of the table ever so lightly. Jez also mentioned that the group heard some abnormal noises through the sound enhancers, such as incarnate growling and deathly whispers that were just audible from the empty corridor.
Join the Simply Ghost Nights team as we enter the ghostly realms of The Sheffield Fire Police Museum.