German PV Market: Federal Network Agency reports figures for PV installed capacity 2010

The Federal Network Agency published the Decemeber figures for newly installed PV capacity today. Although there was no end of year rally, figures for Decemeber still amounted to 1,073 MWp. A comparison of the figures for the whole year shows that Decemeber was in fact the second stongest month.
- (1888PressRelease) March 23, 2011 - Thus, newly installed capacity for PV in Germany amounts to 7.25 GWp.This is equivalent to a year-on-year growth of 91 percent and making 2010 another recordbreaking year for the German PV industry.
Bonn. Germany remains the most important PV market. Newly installed capacity totalled 7.25 GW and an impresseive 242,893 systems were installed in 2010 reaffirming Germany as the key sales market worldwide. "These figures are not a surprise," comments Markus A. W. Hoehner, CEO of the Bonn-based market research and consulting firm EuPD Research. "Newly installed capacity is for the most part in line with our forecast, " confirms Hoehner. The Bonn market researche institute revised its forecast in June from 5.5 GW to 7.2 GW.
Installed capacity according to system size: Small systems stabile, large system segment grows
Systems between 10 and 30 kWp made up 26 percent of newly installed capacity making them the greatest contributor to growth in 2010. Particlular dynamic was observed in the mid to large system segment between 100 and 500 kWp. This segment has, in comparison to the previous year enjoyed growth of an impressive 174 percent.
Regional installed capacity: Bavaria remains number one nationwide
Bavaria once again spearheaded growth in 2010 with an installed capactity of 2,379 MWP (+33 percent) cleraly placing them ahead of all other states. The state of Baden-Württemberg came in second and North Rhine-Westphalia third.
Outlook for 2011: Germany will continue to enjoy growth although more moderate
"The facts speak for continued growth in the German market," says Markus Lohr, analyst at EuPD Research. „Growth in most regions is, compared to that of previous years, overproportional. "Only some regions are showing symptoms of saturation," comments Lohr. Although business was slow at the start of the year, the market is set to clearly pull forward in the coming months, as soon as prices have stabilized. Futhermore, the market researchers estimate that development in the German market is likely to be somewhat dependent on the poltical decisions pending in Italy. An additional effect is expected to stem from mid-year degression. As a peak in installed capacity expected in June will not be included in the calucaltions for the half-year degression, it is not to be assumed that this half-year degression will thwart the market significantly. Thus, EuPD Research anticaptes further but more moderate growth in the German market for the year 2011.