Putting a trading strategy on autopilot allows traders to maximize profits, even when they're away from the computer. Gecko Software announced the release of their automated Forex and Futures trading software, which adds to their award winning trading software offerings.
The ability to trade across multiple markets used to mean accessing multiple software programs. Gecko Software revolutionizes trading software to incorporate the stock market, Forex market and the Futures market easily.
Traders no longer need to remain glued to the computer in order to trade profitably. Innovative software available from Gecko Software allows traders to profit by using a revolutionary autopilot robot trading system that does the hard work for them.
Forex is the world's largest market, with a trading volume of around $4 trillion dollars a day. You can trade from anywhere in the world, wherever you can gain Internet access; sitting on the beach, or hiking in the mountains. Read on to know how.
Gecko Software, the team behind the award winning Track 'n Trade trading platform, has recently launched a new feature that will completely change the face of retail trading. The Autopilot Plugin allows any trader to create a customized, automated trading system based on their own strategy with a few clicks of the mouse, thus eliminating the biggest problem most traders have: emotional trading.
Gecko Software has revolutionized the trading robot market with their unique autopilot plug-in that allows traders to develop their own automated trading system, regardless of whether or not they have programming skills.
Traders now have an advantage on the market, with the launch of programming-free trading software. The graphically-based interface for the trading software makes it easy for even beginners to choose likely winning trades with just a click of the mouse.
Learning to trade profitably can be a steep learning curve for many traders. Yet, with the range of trading software available from Gecko Software, that curve is shortened. Programming-free automated trading means that traders can benefit from having the hard work taken care of for them.
One of the biggest problems faced by the majority of traders in today's volatile market is pin-pointing likely winning trades. Yet with the right software working on auto-pilot, traders suddenly have the edge.
Gecko Software, Inc., which recently celebrated 19 years in business, has just unveiled its newest 'Programming Free' Autopilot/Robot Stock trading platform.