Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems updates from the British Army, United States Army, United States Marine Corps and more

SMi Reports: Leading military experts will meet in London on the 28th-29th June at Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems 2017.
- (1888PressRelease) March 09, 2017 - Military experts alongside world leading solution providers will meet at SMi Group's Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems taking place on the 28th and 29th June 2017 to discuss the very latest technological developments from research and the industry that are enhancing combat effectiveness and lethality.
Both within the conventional and asymmetrical environments, armoured vehicle lethality has always (and continues to offer), a vital means of boosting the combat effectiveness of ground forces. However, this conference is particularly timely. As the US Army increases its presence of heavy armour in Europe to the highest levels seen in years, there is a need to develop offensive assets and the deterrence capabilities that the armoured vehicle provides. In recent years hostile actors have increased their own combat vehicles protection, armament and fires to near peer status. There is therefore a need to re-examine and access the effectiveness of NATO fighting vehicle offensive capability and means of countering threats.
Drawing on experience from previous operations and ongoing activity in the capability development space, future requirements will be presented and discussed. Importantly, to increase awareness of the technologies and capabilities that might be leveraged, an examination of the latest weapon systems, vehicle configurations, smart munitions, high energy lasers, fire control, targeting, simulation and autonomous technology, shall be just some of the areas covered.
Notable presenters include Slovenian Ministry of Defence, NSPA, British Army, Danish Army Combat and Fire Support Centre, Spanish MoD, US Army, Finnish Army, Vetronics Research Centre, Soucy Defence, UK Armed Forces, United States Marine Corps and United States Army.
The event will also feature an all new exclusive half day pre-conference workshop on "Improving Combat Vehicles through Life Supportability and System Integration" hosted by Brigadier (Retd) Ian Simpson, Former Head of Combat Wheels Group, DE&S, UK Ministry of Defence taking place on the 27th June, 2017.
The 2 day programme will cover the latest sensors, weapon systems, vehicle configurations, smart munitions, high energy lasers, fire control, targeting, simulation and autonomous technology. Attendees will participate in the only forum of its kind purely dedicated to the advancement of armoured vehicles offensive capability.
For those looking to attend, there is £300 early bird offer available online ending on 31st March 2017.
Further information is available online at http://www.fav-ws.com/1888pressrelease
Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems
28th-29th June 2017
Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
Media: contact Theresa Chung on tchung ( @ ) smi-online dot co dot uk
Booking: Contact Thomas Cox on tcox ( @ ) smi-online dot co dot uk
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