Future Armored Vehicles Active Protection Systems USA Returns in June

Maximizing Survivability Signatures of Armored Platforms through the Integration of Advanced Multi-Layered Protection Systems.
- (1888PressRelease) March 24, 2022 - As armed forces continue to prioritise dealing with near-peer adversaries, and with passive protection measures reaching their physical limit, integrating advanced vehicle protection systems, and particularly active protection systems (APS), as a means of improving survivability signatures continues to grow in importance.These systems can intercept ballistic weaponry through kinetic methods (Hard-Kill) or by interfering with warhead guidance and tracking systems (Soft-Kill). As the scope of APS and its potential continues to grow, armed forces around the world increasingly pursue the development and application of an integrated, modular mission system, in which best-of-field components can be introduced and selected to meet specific requirements.
As the only conference of its kind, Future Armored Vehicles Protection Systems USA, will provide unique briefings on the development and integration of Active Protection Systems, as well as the wider vehicle protection suites employed by armed forces around the world. These briefings will include insight into Modular Systems and architecture, Hard-Kill and Soft-Kill technology, layered approaches to survivability and battle proven systems. Find out more here: http://www.fav-aps.com/
Benefits of attending:
1. New for 2022: Maintaining an emphasis on the development and integration of advanced Modular Active Protection Systems, 2022 will provide a more holistic agenda discussing the wider advancements in platform survivability as well as training and integration efforts
2. Listen firsthand to briefings from senior US officers discussing the integration of vehicle protection systems and the capability requirements for US armored vehicles
3. Engage with leading international personnel, discussing the integration and development of bespoke systems and the challenges to guaranteeing mission readiness
4. Understand the opportunities for industry to engage in the future of armored vehicle survivability, with the US and international partners continuing to develop innovative technology at a rapid rate
5. Network with the field-leading decision makers, who will define the future of armored vehicle protection systems and survivability for years to come
Other reasons to attend:
Discuss a diverse range of topics including hard and soft kill technology, creating a modular and sophisticated open system architecture, platform specific considerations, and more
Understand the progress made, and the lessons learned from integrating cutting edge Active Protection Systems from senior officials from both host nation and international speakers, and the unique requirements specific to different platforms
As the importance of an open market-place and room for competition is stressed, hear from industry leaders testing, developing, and applying the cutting edge technology that will be used by armoured brigades for years to come
An unrivalled opportunity to meet and network with the military and industry decision makers in Vehicle Protection Systems, the experts who will define the future of the technology, and the end-user's who will be tasked with operating this technology
Early Bird Offer
Register by 31st March 2022 and save $200 – Simply visit: http://www.fav-aps.com/
Expert United States Speakers Include:
Brigadier General Charles T. Lombardo, Deputy Commanding General Combined Arms Center Training, Combined Arms Center
Mr. James Amato, Executive Technical Director / Deputy to the Commander, Army Test and Evaluation Command
Mr Patrick Thompson, Technical Director, Survivability Evaluation Directorate, Army Evaluation Center
Colonel William Venable, Project Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, PEO Ground Combat Systems
Colonel Jeffery Jurand, Project Manager, Maneuver Combat Systems, PEO Ground Combat Systems
Colonel Ryan Howell, Project Manager, Main Battle Tank Systems, PEO Ground Combat Systems
Ms. Lisa Gronowski, Project Manager, Vehicle Protection Systems, PEO Ground Combat Systems
Colonel Esli Pitts, Director of Training and Doctrine, Maneuver Center of Excellence
Colonel Kevin Chaney, Project Manager, Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft, PEO Aviation
Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Bodenhamer, Director, Combat Systems Integration Directorate, Army Futures Command
Major Gary P. Flowers II, Mobile Protected Firepower/ Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle, Next Generation Combat Vehicle Cross Functional Team
Mr. Mark Cancian, Senior adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies
International Experts:
Mr. Richard Hooper, Programme Manager, Dstl, UK Ministry of Defence Assoc.
Prof. Stanislav Rolc, Chief of Division, Material Engineering and Active Protection Lead, Czech Military Research Institute
Dr Jan Krestan, Materials Engineering Division, Czech Military Research Institute
Mr. Rob Baker, Discipline Lead, Advanced Vehicle Protection, Defence Science and Technology Group, Australian Department of Defence
Future Armored Vehicles Active Protection Systems USA Returns in June
2nd June to 3rd June 2022,
Arlington, USA
To find out more please visit http://www.fav-aps.com/ or contact James Hitchen, Director at (+44 (0) 20 7827 6054 or email jhitchensmi-online.co.uk
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