Fr. Patrick Meaney is the president of the association Acting For Life-USA and spiritual advisor for the foundation Impact Hope. Acting For Life-USA is a 501 (c) (3) charitable association founded by Fr. Patrick Meaney in the United States to support humanitarian projects in a spirit of integral development.
Within the present global phenomenon of increasing migration, the case of Christian minorities is particularly poignant, because the religious dimension is such an integral part of the situation
(1888PressRelease) April 15, 2011 - Hebbronville, Texas - Fr. Patrick Meaney, president of the association Acting For Life-USA and spiritual advisor for the foundation Impact Hope today launched an appeal for humanitarian assistance to Christians in economic and social difficulty in countries where the majority of the population is non- Christian. Fr. Patrick Meaney explained that despite much good will on the part of persons in the non-Christian majority in those countries, Christians are still increasingly subject to social and economic pressures that force them to consider emigration away from their homelands. This involves much spiritual, social, and economic hardship.
"Within the present global phenomenon of increasing migration, the case of Christian minorities is particularly poignant, because the religious dimension is such an integral part of the situation," said Fr. Patrick Meaney. This suggests the broader theme of the religious dimension as integrated with social and economic development: what is referred to by recent Catholic popes as the integral development of the human person. In conformity with the teachings of the recent popes, the foundation Impact Hope wishes to promote integral development in our world today.
When the goal of integral development is not respected, we see situations such as that of the Christian minorities. With the help of public support, Impact Hope wishes to provide increasing humanitarian assistance for people in such situations, to support local associations so that they may help people to attain happier lives within their countries of origin. When all such efforts fail, assistance would be provided so that people may immigrate to other countries in a dignified manner.
About Fr. Patrick Meaney
To learn more about Fr. Patrick Meaney and Foundation Impact Hope, contact Foundation Impact Hope, Chemin de la Fennetaz 1, 17722 Bourguillon, Switzerland or visit their website,; email inquiries can be sent to, info ( @ ) impacthope dot net
For additional information, contact:
Fr. Patrick Meaney
Acting For Life-USA
P.O. Box 748
Hebbronville, Texas 78361, USA
catholic.solitudes ( @ ) gmail dot com