Flash-Integro releases VSDC Free Video Editor 3.1, featuring more flexible and convenient editing of video files. The update makes it easier to manage objects directly on the timeline, while the behavior of objects can be very complex thanks to the new visual editor that greatly speeds up the adjustment of object parameters.
Flash-Integro announces VSDC Free Video Editor 3.0, a new update of its acclaimed video editing software. The new version redefines video editing by making it 100% non-linear. Practically, this means the program provides a lot of previously unavailable video editing options, while existing techniques have become faster and more efficient.
Flash-Integro releases VSDC Free Video Editor 2.2.0, capable video editing software that now allows for creating an animated object from a set of static images forming a video sequence.
Flash-Integro LLC announces the release of Version 2.1.9 of VSDC Free Video Editor, a user-friendly free video editing tool with professional capabilities.