Firelands Raid Progress-Heroic Baleroc World First Kill by Methord

Methord world first kill heroic baleroc!
- (1888PressRelease) July 08, 2011 - Guild Method in WOW EU-Xavius server, just announced that they had killed Heroic Baleroc, and that's world first kill, congratulations to them! As we know, after the first day of firelands heroic opened, Almost all the famous guilds in the world had killed the first 4 bosses but they were stopped by Heroic Baleroc. Now Methord is ahead of all the other guilds, can other guilds catch them soon? Let's see what will happen tomorrow.
Methord published the news on their website and told us Baleroc Down:
A full night later, and a very well done job to all the healers, tanks and dps we needed to pull this off.
GL to the other guilds attempting to beat the impossible!
Update before maintenance in US server: July 3 and July 4
Maybe because of Independence Day, Premonition finally killed Ragnaros on July 3, and Paragon finished the raid of this week a little earlier before Premonition did, And after a few hours, the US servers would be in maintenance. So lets compare the preparation of the top guilds:
Sejta(Paragon guild leader/MT) - 1639/21000
Sco(Method guild leader/MT) - 2419/21000
Ekyz(Ensidia MT) - 1979/21000
Lyrra(Premonition Main Mage) - 479/21000
Riggnaros(BloodLegion MT) - 1869/21000
Kripparrian(Exocus Famous Hunter) - 1319/21000
Felyndiia(FortheHorde MT) - 11999/12000
Grafarion(Vodka MT) - 11999/12000
So we knew they were revered with firelands reputaion which hadn't been hurry to kill the bosses in normal mode. Some of them even farmed the reputaion to 11999/12000 then went to kill the bosses. So they didn't waste any of the reputation that bosses gave. Though FortheHorde and Vodka weren't revered but they still farmed the normal mobs to get to the top level that they could get. They can only buy a better ring when they are revered, so it is not a very important thing of gear preperation. But it showed their determination to get the World First Down at heroic mode Firelands progress. So I am sure they are prepared for the heroic mode.
Update on July 5:
Premonition World First Down Lord Rhyolith, BloodLegion World First Down Beth'tilac, Vodka World First Down Alysrazor!
After the servers were up, the top guilds in US went into Firelands to get World First Down, As we expected, heroic bosses can't stop the top guilds that are prepared. Premonition, Vodka, BloodLegion killed H Shanoxx very quickly, then Premonition killed H Lord Rhyolith, and BloodLegion killed H Beth'tilac in 2 hours. After that, Alysrazor stopped them for a while, after many tries in the afternoon, Vodka killed him finally and got the World First Down, BloodLegion killed him soon and got 4 H kills ahead of other guilds! Congratulations to them!