New detector and filter implementation improves data collection rate two fold.
Many materials have sensitive absorbance spectra in the deep ultraviolet
(1888PressRelease) September 04, 2013 - Make spectral measurements from 115 to 315 nanometers in milliseconds! With no higher orders from the diffraction grating, data collection rates increase two fold in this region. McPherson's ultraviolet spectrometer, Model 234/302, is now available with cooled, sensitive CCD detectors featuring integral UV order sorting filters. The spectrometer is clean. Attention to materials selection, machining techniques, and finish permit high vacuum operation. Mitigate water and oxygen absorption by pumping a vacuum, or by use of dry Nitrogen purge. The Model 234/302 features adjustable slits, scanning, and a selection of diffraction gratings. Work without compromising resolution or signal strength.
Many materials have sensitive absorbance spectra in the deep ultraviolet. We have accessories for absorbance, polarization, reflectance and transmittance. Work with solid as well as powders, liquid or gaseous samples. Applications extend beyond general purpose spectroscopy or plasma physics. Ultraviolet spectroscopy is useful for process or quality control, UV laser development, optical test and measurement, and luminescent phosphor characterization.
McPherson's application specialists are available to help assure the ultraviolet spectrometer is ready for implementation in your specific application. Custom development is not required! McPherson (Chelmsford, MA USA) has more than fifty years experience manufacturing optical instruments and systems, for customers at university and research laboratories worldwide.