
Fashion Stylist's New Book Spilling Insider Secrets

Top Quote Style and Image Consultant Gillian Armour writes about the fascinating and insightful world of the Celebrity Stylist. Her new book templates the inner workings of the Fashion Stylist career. End Quote
    Quote Don't even think about becoming a fashion stylist unless you possess an all-consuming interest and passion for fashion, for people, for fun. Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) February 25, 2010 - Albuquerque, NM. Image Professional Gillian Armour announces the publication of her new book "Fashion Stylist: a How to Guide". The book is an in-depth look at the Fashion Stylist career and serves as a guide to aspiring stylists everywhere.

    "In my work as a fashion and style teacher I help students get their feet in the door of this very exciting and growing industry and to expose them to the inside take on celebrity stylist jobs" says Armour, the only Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) Certified Image Professional (CIP) in New Mexico and Hawaii, where she has a satellite office, and one of only 125 CIPs in the world. "Creating a comprehensive guide was tough work but I know this information will benefit lots of future fashion visionaries!"

    Armour, a certified Fashion Stylist, Vogue Magazine Insider and Allure Beauty Expert reports on all things fashion on her blog She's also writes the "Fashion Forward" column for the Albuquerque Journal's SAGE Magazine for Women each month.

    Armour has published several books about fashion, color and body type, and has just completed a how-to guide to becoming an image consultant. Clients include government, corporate and non-profit clients, as well as the Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories. Her extensive use of cutting edge technology allows her to consult in person and remotely, as well as teach classes and train image consultants in the U.S. and abroad from her headquarters in New Mexico.

    For information or interviews, contact Gillian Armour at 505-246-2457 or visit or

    Contact: Gillian Armour, 800-591-2353

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