Everlastinghealthdirectory.Com Interviews Renowned Holistic Veterinarian Dr. Paul McCutcheon On How To Increase Your Pet's Longevity
As the founder of the East York Animal Clinic, a former President of the Toronto Academy of Veterinary Medicine as well as Director of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, Toronto-based veterinarian Dr. Paul McCutcheon is well respected in his field.
- (1888PressRelease) August 14, 2010 - Recently, EverlastingHealthDirectory.com interviewed Dr. McCutcheon. Our interview focused on how one can increase a pet's longevity. We looked at their overall well-being such as their emotional, nutritional, behavioural habits, as well as, the environment they live in.
The results were very surprising.
First of all, according to Dr. McCutheon, "Animals really do feel stress without their owners being aware of it. In fact, many pet owners with ailing pets, believe that there is something physically wrong with their animal, but more often than not it is an emotional issue."
Fortunately, "most clients that come in are ready for change in attitude and are open to truly healing their pet" says Dr. McCutheon.
Second, stress can come from a variety of sources including emotional and environmental factors, as well as, dietary and pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, it is essential that pet owners provide their pets with a positive environment and food that is nutritionally good for them rather than what we think is okay for them.
As a pet owner, knowing that your pet may experience similar stress as you, may be a little bit unnerving. Fortunately, there are solutions to avoid this. Being aware of what really causes a downfall in their well-being is key to your pet living well beyond its years.
Third, holistic veterinarians argue that, alternative animal healthcare is one solution that allows pet owners to address the root of the symptoms beyond their physical ailments. Animals respond especially well to the numerous holistic treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal and bach flower remedies.
Fourth, Dr. McCutcheon claims that: "Managing stress is crucial to addressing the foundation of your pets health." He recommends seven important tips you can employ to keep your pet healthy. They include:
1) Examine your pet properly such as behavioural, sleeping and eating patterns
2) Develop and maintain a positive relationship with them, don't neglect them
3) Maintain a positive attitude with yourself as they pick up negative energies
4) Feed them healthy animal food
5) Give them regular exercise
6) Empathize with them and understand what they go through on a daily basis
7) Limit harmful medical drugs to emergency situations
Finally, holistic animal healthcare is by no means suggesting traditional methods are not at all useful. It can be effective in treating emergency or immediate circumstances alongside other holistic modalities. Dr McCutcheon is a great example of what it means to love your pets the holistic way. With our medical practices currently changing and evolving, so will the healthcare of animals.
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Toronto-based veterinarian Dr Paul McCutcheon has been practicing for the past 40 years and has focused more on holistic approaches for the past 30 years. He is founder of East York Animal Clinic and has a long media history promoting his work. He has served as President of the Toronto Academy of Veterinary Medicine as well as Director of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association.
A great way to learn about your pet and his philosophy is through his book: "The New Holistic Way for Dogs & Cats". You can order the book at www.newholisticway.
Everlasting Health Directory
Beverly Isla
info ( @ ) myeverlastinghealth dot com
East York Animal Clinic
Dr Paul McCutheon
Tel: (416) 757-3569