We would like to introduce a new online job service. This website is ideal for hiring companies wanting to cut cost when advertising vacant positions.
(1888PressRelease) July 23, 2009 - With the economy on shaky grounds, hiring companies are constantly looking for ways to cut cost. When they do this it helps bring their profit margins back up where they belong. Twenty years ago, most employers found new applicants through temporary job services, the unemployment office, employment agencies, placing ads in local newspapers, and walk-ins. Finding new employees through the use of the internet was virtually unheard of back then, but now it is very common. There has been many job search companies launched online within the last 15 years. Research shows the job ad posting fees of the major online companies like CareerBuilder, HotJobs, SnagAJobs, and Monster are not cheap. What if your company has more than one position that needs filling? The cost of advertising can add up.
The current fee to post a job opening for 30 days on SnagAJobs is $169, HotJobs is $189, Monster - $325, and CareerBuilder’s current charge is $419. These companies are well established and they get a lot of traffic from job seekers so employers can find new applicants extremely fast and easy through their services. But still, why pay $6 to $14 a day to post one job posting?
With the newly launched EmployersRHiring.com, you don’t have to pay high job ad placement fees every time you need to post a job opening. This online company allows employers to post as many job ads they want at the lowest rates possible, $1 day. There’s no other online company with services similar to theirs who can say they have rates as low as Employers-R-Hiring.com. If you’re posting more than one open position on the same date, you are only required to pay for the first ad placement and all the rest are free. Also you don’t have to worry about word count, because you’re not charged for it. This allows you, the employer, to give a more detailed description. Just like the major companies listed above, EmployersRHiring.com screens potential job seekers through their application process, and job seekers can also upload a resume to go with their application.
To job seekers, if you are in the process of seeking new opportunities, don’t hesitate on posting your profile & skills at this new website. The more places you leave you mark the higher your chances are on finding that perfect career. EmployersRHiring.com’s main goals are to give hiring companies across the nation a more affordable option when it comes to filling vacant positions at their company as well as bring employers and job seekers together.
The web address is http://www.employersrhiring.com.