Elite Online Publishing Announces a New Bestselling Book by Author Frank J. Donohue

Elite Online Publishing Announces a New International Bestselling Book by Author Frank J. Donohue.
- (1888PressRelease) October 10, 2020 - Virginia Beach, VA – Author Frank J. Donohue achieved #1 National Bestseller with his new book Ten Healthy Tips: A Flight Plan for Life.
Author Frank J. Donohue joined the ranks of bestselling authors on Amazon with his new book, Ten Healthy Tips: A Flight Plan for Life which was released Tuesday, Sept 29, 2020, by Amazon.com – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.
Author Frank J. Donohue Hit #1 National Bestseller
With His New Book
Ten Healthy Tips: A Flight Plan for Life
On the day of release, his book started its upward movement towards bestseller status on Amazon.com. Elite Online Publishing published and promoted and reached #1 National Bestseller on Amazon in FOUR categories in the US. Including Engineering & Transportation » Transportation » Reference, Travel » Reference » Tips, Fitness & Dieting » Diets & Weight Loss » Diets » Weight Watchers, and Sports & Outdoors » Water Sports » Swimming.
#1 National Bestseller in FOUR categories in the US! Elite Online Publishing published and promoted and reached #1 National Bestseller on Amazon in FOUR categories in the US. Including Engineering & Transportation » Transportation » Reference, Travel » Reference » Tips, Fitness & Dieting » Diets & Weight Loss » Diets » Weight Watchers, and Sports & Outdoors » Water Sports » Swimming.
Ten Healthy Tips takes readers into the mind of an airline pilot and the top ten health tips he practiced throughout his airline career. Airline pilots make their money above planet earth and it is serious business. Pilots are the most regulated profession in the USA. Airline pilots must pass federal mandated pilot flight physicals every six months, a requirement to keep their pilot job. Maintaining good health was very important to help Frank, an Airline Captain with over 36 years of experience, perform at his best at aviating jets and to pass those pilot medical exams. In this seatback pocket-sized book, he shares his rules to live by here in both checklist and expanded-procedure format. Come fly with Frank as he provides a flight plan for life to help you enhance your mental and physical health. Good health is for everyone!
Amid his reflections about discovering the complexities of metal machines that slip fast and far through the air, Frank has taken the time to reflect on his human experience as viewed from his dream cockpit career. Motivated by retirement, and his desire to impart a world of wisdom to his two sons, he has compiled a top ten list of healthy habits that have guided him through his own personal journey. In this seatback pocket-sized book he shares his rules to live by here in both checklist and expanded-procedure format.
Included you will find:
• Top Ten Healthy Habits
• Rules to Live by
• Checklists
Enjoy this seatback pocket-sized book to read on or off the plane.
Frank J. Donohue operates Boeing B-747 jumbo jets all over the world with over thirty-six years of flying experience. He is the author of "School and Schooled", "Ten Healthy Tips" and soon to be a released "Stop Hating" Frank is the owner and creator of NOT-Y a pilot video channel featuring pilot flight and non-flight stories.
At the young age of just 26, Frank achieved his airline career goal with a flight position on the Boeing B-747 jumbo jet. He has piloted trips to over fifty international cities and most of the cities in the United State for both the Flying Tigers and FedEx. For over 30 years he has flown with over 1000 diverse pilots and met thousands of other distinctive people throughout his travels. As a Pilot Frank has a unique skill set that provides valuable information to people through his NOT-Y pilot video channel.
Frank writes for the Quiet Birdman Beam magazine. In 2018 the QB Beam featured Frank's story "Flying Around the World in Ten Days." He was also featured in the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) magazine with the story, "Capt. Frank J Donohue (FedEx) Gulp - Solo."https://www.alpa.org/en/campaigns/my-first-flight/members-home/members/frank-donohoe.
Frank J Donohue born in New York 1961 is an American pilot, author, publisher and video producer. Frank served four years in United States Air Force. He was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal for his contribution in computer accounting of aviation fuel. While living in England he obtained and associate degree in resource management and a private pilot license. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in 1985. Frank's first pilot job was training college students at ERAU to fly airplanes. He soloed fifty-four students during his first nine months of employment. Frank has acquired the Airline Transport Pilot license, Flight Instructor license, Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor licenses, Flight Engineer License, Aircraft Dispatcher license and Remote Pilot Certificate. He received a prestigious pilot award for over 30 years and 8,600 flight hours of impeccable service for a very distinguished career of flying excellence with FedEx. "Frank's dedication and commitment played a pivotal role in building the most successful transportation company worldwide." FedEx delivers over six million packages daily to over 240 countries worldwide and every zip code in the United States. Packages are routinely delivered on time more than 98% of the time. Frank retired from FedEx in 2017.
Originally from Long Island, Frank lives in Virginia Beach with his wife. They have two grown children. He enjoys traveling, gardening, fishing and helping people. He donates time and money to various philanthropic organizations.
You can contact Frank J Donohue on FB, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram and visit his websites: www.frankjdonohue.com, and www.not-y.com
Donohue's Book Interview link
This book was published by Elite Online Publishing, the brand-building publisher - write, sell, & market your book online. Elite Online Publishing helps busy entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals create, publish, and market their book, to build their business and brand. They are passionate about future authors sharing their stories, knowledge, and expertise to help others. Educate, inspire, and motivate others by telling your story.
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