Cable Pulling Software allows users to quickly calculate cable pulling tensions to determine the required rating of hauling equipment and helps avoid damage to cables during installation.
The Cable Pulling Software avoids damage to cables during installation by providing accurate calculations.
SafeGrid is a piece of software used to design multilayer grounding (Earthing) and lightning protection systems. SafeGrid can create custom earth grids of any size or shape, including those imported from AutoCAD files. The SafeGrid grid editor has been built to function exactly like AutoCAD with the new Version 6.1 release.
SafeGrid is software for multilayer grounding (Earthing) and lightning protection systems design.
The ELEK Cable HV software is ideal for calculating custom cable ratings. A FEM module is added to version 5.0, which performs 2D finite element analysis for buried cable systems. The new FEM module allows users to model installation conditions beyond the IEC standards' limitations.
ELEK Cable HV Software is for custom cable current rating calculations in accordance with IEC 60287.