ECO Fuel Systems, LLC was created to represent ECO Systems as a Direct Fleet warehouse distributor. They will continue to assist Governmental agencies, School Systems, Coach & Trucking Companies as a direct factory wholesale resource.
Transportation companies and Fleet managers are upset with DPF filters and have been demanding a working solution to reduce Diesel Regen cycles to maintain profitability & keep their vehicles on the road.
The Global Trade Chamber is International, with members in 30+ countries. Their Green Committee will be comprised of a select few that are qualified on how to reduce waste and Carbon Pollution.
ECO Fuel Systems, LLC and Hydro Dynamics HHO are working closely with Indonesian companies to help increase fuel efficiency and reduce Jakarta's high levels of pollution.
Hydrogen vehicles have been around since the 1860's, the Hippomobile. Today with high levels of pollution and fuel prices Hydrogen, the Fuel of the Future is here.
The Florida Trade Association is hosting a couple of the country's largest Recreational Vehicle trade shows in Tampa, Ft Meyers, Ocala, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville and more.
Over the last year many diesel and gasoline engine owners have successfully added fuel technologies. Hauling large payloads saving 10% to 42% of fuel, over the open road.
Hydrogen makes up 75%+ of Earths environment. Hydrogen as a widespread as a fuel supplement could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the earth. 75% of our environment is Hydrogen. If it became more widespread as a fuel supplement it would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Cary Nagdeman is an experienced and knowledgeable Fuel saving expert since 1999. His goal is to inform and educate the Public and Businesses on how to reduce Fuel consumption and Carbon Pollution.
Yesterday May 6, 2014 President Obama in an interview with Al Roker of the NBC Today Show appealed to the Public to speak up and take action. He inferred that due to Political infighting nothing is getting accomplished.