The workshop "Animals Are Soul Too!" will be featured at the upcoming 2010 ECKANKAR NC Regional Seminar. This workshop is part of a larger seminar: "Spiritual Tools for Mastering Life's Challenges," August 27-29th in Asheville, North Carolina.
Spiritual Tools for Mastering Life's Challenges is the theme of the 2010 ECKANKAR North Carolina Regional Seminar to be held August 27-29th in Asheville.
Why do thousands the world over now sing HU? As a form of non-directed prayer, singing HU (pronounced hue) entrusts our concerns to Spirit. It opens the door to profound healing, provides solace in times of grief, offers protection and guidance, brings emotional balance-and enhances every area of our lives.
"Spiritual Wisdom on Health and Healing" is a panel which explores fascinating spiritual perspectives on health and healing through the viewpoint of those who have benefited from spiritual principles applied to health and healing and those who are professionals in this field.