Eccotopia has agreed to the development, implementation, and management of MegafoliaŠ tree plantations in South Africa, identifying land use, as well as the approximate number of local jobs to be created.
The ISIN number (International Securities Identification Number) applied for by Eccotopia has been issued. Eccotopia also was issued a CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) number.
Eccotopia MegafoliaŠ plantations can provide phytoremediation of ground water and topsoil, biofuel production, timber production, and biomass-to-energy production in South Africa.
The South African government has a program that provides funds for environmental cleanup, while Eccotopia has a solution for the disposal of the large quantity of acidic mining waste water, using Megafolia trees for the process of phytoremediation.
Eccotopia, an international leader in the development of ecology-friendly forestry, will create a qualified guidance committee to monitor the project in the Republic of South Africa.