EARTH FEVER Wins 2011 Silver Nautilus Book Award

Earth Fever, a book about social, personal and spiritual dimensions of climate change-released by Cosimo Books, a New York-based independent publisher- receives prestigious award for "Environment and Green Values".
- New York, NY (1888PressRelease) May 20, 2011 - Nautilus Book Awards, a leading book awards organization for cutting-edge books, announced that Earth Fever, Living Consciously With Climate Change, by Canadian Judy McAllister and Dutchmen Erik van Praag and Jan Paul van Soest, has been awarded the 2011 Nautilus Silver Award in the "environment and green values" category.
Nautilus Book Awards, founded by publishing innovator Marilyn McGuire, selects books each year that "promote spiritual growth, conscious living & positive social change, while stimulating the imagination and offering the reader new possibilities for a better life and a better world." Previous winners include Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Andrew Weill and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Cosimo Books Publisher Alexander Dake said: "We are proud that Earth Fever and its authors are awarded this prize. When we released this book, we felt strongly about its importance for the ongoing dialogue on climate change. It is an honor for our authors to join the ranks of previous winners of this award."
Earth Fever uniquely combines the current state of climate science with social, personal and spiritual aspects of dealing with climate change. The authors use their vast experience with sustainability, holistic education and transformational leadership to describe the change of consciousness and the community environment that is needed to tackle the global problem of climate change and its effects. This book is a call to action for all global citizens, and includes an appeal to the governments and leaders of the world to take personal responsibility to address climate change. Earth Fever will be presented at the upcoming Book Expo America, the premier North American publishing event, May 24 -May 26 in the Javits Center in New York (visit the Nautilus booth 2037).
Earth Fever has received positive feedback and wide praise, including:
"A timely and highly original approach to climate change."
-Hazel Henderson, author of Ethical Markets
"Links a crisp and clear explanation of the climate problem to a spiritual quest for solutions … Earth Fever is something special … Read it and subsequently do something."
-Pierre de Winter, Platform for Managers and Professionals
"Earth Fever is a fascinating read that asks thought-provoking questions and enlightens the reader about changes that can be made now and in the future."
-Todd Rutherford, the Publishing Guru
THE NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS go to titles in multiple categories, including Nature, Conscious Business, Conscious Media, Green Values, Healthy Eating, and Personal Growth. With its mission to "change the world one book at a time," the Nautilus Book Awards recognize books that seek conscious living and positive social change. Previous winning authors include Deepak Chopra, Matthew Fox, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Caroline Myss, Jean Houston, Joel Olsteen, Eckhart Tolle, Andrew Weill, Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukav, and many more. For more information visit:
JUDY McCALLISTER was with the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland-- an eco-village and international center for holistic education-- for over twenty years where she served as a Trustee and, then, as its managing director. Ms. McAllister is currently a faculty member of The Edge: International School for Leadership and Spirituality in the Netherlands.
ERIK VAN PRAAG is a psychologist, a business consultant and the dean of The Edge: International School for Leadership and Spirituality. He has written numerous articles and books, including: Spiritual Leadership, Wisdom for Work, Wisdom for Life.
JAN PAUL VAN SOEST is a sustainability consultant in the Netherlands. He has served as board member at World Wildlife Fund Netherlands and director for the Centre for Energy Conservation and Clean Technology. In addition to his writings on sustainability, he recently co-founded Carbon Stars, which helps develop and finance innovative green ventures.
EARTH FEVER: Living Consciously With Climate Change
with a Foreword by Hazel Henderson
Cosimo Books, May 2010
Environmental Science/ Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN 978-1-61640-076-7
Paperback, 252 pages, $18.95 / £13.99
Cosimo Books, based in New York, is an imprint of Cosimo, Inc., a specialty publisher of books and publications that inspire, inform and engage readers. Cosimo's mission is to offer unique books to niche audiences around the world.
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